“It’s not that hard,” Damon explained as I watched Hayley take to the waltz like a duck to water. “Trust me and follow my lead.”

Trust him? That’s a laugh in itself but I had no option as he started to move. Of course, my feet started to take on a life of their own. Soon they were gunning it like I was skidding through butter on a tiled floor. When Damon went back, I stepped back and tripped a few of the other dancers. When Damon stepped toward me, I stepped back once again and boom! Down went another dancer. I was ploughing dancers down like a bowling ball flying at skittles. I wasn’t only breaking Damon’s toes, but I thought I nearly gave him a black eye a few times.

To give him credit, Damon was determined to at least try and get me dancing. Eventually, he made me take off my shoes and stand on his feet so I could feel the rhythm. I did warn him I had none but he was not giving up on me. When I put my red painted toes on his big shiny shoed feet, I got the giggles. I tried not to, I really did. But as Damon twirled me around the room, I felt like a baby koala clinging to its mom through a hurricane. The giggles intensified the more I tried to suppress them until my chest was shaking so hard from giggling I shook myself right out of Damon’s arms and almost landed on Patty, another bridesmaid.

She was not happy, especially as she twisted her teeny tiny ankle trying to avoid me vibrating like a jackhammer out of Damon’s arms and straight at her. Everyone decided to take a break after that. And finally my giggles were cured. Well, for the moment they were.

“Don’t worry,” Damon put his hand on my back and gently guided me toward the refreshments table after I put my shoes back on.

I noticed that he carefully avoided everyone I’d damaged with my superbly coordinated dancing skills.

“Thank you,” I looked up at him while taking the iced-tea he handed to me. “I told you I couldn’t dance.”

“I hate to say this,” Damon took a swallow of his iced-tea, “you used to be a lot better back in high school.” We both burst out laughing.

I knew we were laughing at me, but by now, I had no dancing dignity left. All I had was my sense of humor.

“You should’ve let me bolt,” I told Damon when we eventually came up for air from our laughing fit.

“And miss all this fun?” Damon took another sip of iced-tea. “No way!”

“I think we’re being glared at,” I whispered to Damon, seeing all the angry disgruntled glances directed at me.

“Uh-oh,” Damon quickly took our iced-tea, “if ever there was a time to bolt, it’s now.”

I looked around and saw Hayley and Drew making their way toward Damon and I. The look on their faces said ‘we need to talk.’

“Oh no, you don’t,” Hayley cornered Damon and I before we had time to bolt. “Carla, can you please try to refrain from killing my guests?”

“I told you I can’t dance,” I defended my actions. “You know how disastrous I am on the dance floor but you insisted on me being here.”

“Then just sway in a corner with Damon and pretend you’re dancing,” Hayley suggested.

“I think it would be best if I left or sat this round out,” I said to a chorus of no’s from Drew, Hayley, and even Damon.

“I think you are doing really well,” Damon put our iced-teas down. “Don’t give up just yet.”

“I agree with Damon,” Drew said. “Do you think if I gave you a target you could take them out for me.” He grinned at me, Damon glared at him, and Hayley kicked him. “What?” He pointed at me. “Carla is like our secret uncoordinated dancing ninja.” You know I’ve always wanted a ninja.” He winked at me.

“What if I got a body double to dance for me?” I offered. “That way no one will get harmed on the dance floor.” I tried not to giggle again.

“No,” Damon and Hayley said together.

“We are being summoned,” Hayley said and looked at Damon. “Don’t let her quit but for God sake keep her away from the other dancers.”

“I’m standing right here,” I told them and got three people grinning at me.

“Shall we?” Damon offered me his hand. “We’re in this together.” He gave me one of his charming smiles that I bet has landed him a lot of women’s hearts.

“Do I have a choice?” I asked hopefully.

“No,” Damon shook his head as his warm hand closed over mine.

“Okay, let's do this,” I tried to keep positive and hoped that my uncontrollable dancing feet didn't get me into more trouble or cause any lawsuits.