“Don’t get sidetracked and let me down,” Drew warned me. “Not like at my twenty-first.”

“Let it go, Drew!” For hell’s sake (I was trying so hard not to swear), could he not let his twenty-first go? “I’ll be back.” I promised and dashed after Cruella Celeste.


I rushed out the lounge and headed toward the concierge desk. I knew they were sure to have seen Celeste if she’d left. As I neared the concierge desk, I saw Celeste from the corner of my eye come rushing toward me.

I turned toward her, catching a glimpse of red entering the hotel as Celeste flew into my arm and plastered her lips on mine.

“I knew you’d come for me,” Celeste purred, kissing me passionately all over my neck and face as if we weren’t making a spectacle of ourselves in the lobby.

I heard the concierge clear his throat as I finally managed to peel Celeste from me.

“Actually, I just came to walk you to your car,” I told her. Drew was right; it was time to cut this affair off completely. “Look, Celeste…” I started but I was interrupted by the concierge’s voice as he greeted some guests.

“Good evening, Miss Reynolds,” the concierge, who was not Garry, greeted her.

I froze. Shit! I turned around slowly and nearly did one of those cartoon things where the guy’s eyes bounce out of his head as he’s blown off the ground at what he sees. Carla slowly pulled the coat of her tanned shoulders to reveal a red form-hugging dress. The skirt of the dress stopped mid-tanned, revealing smooth bare thighs. Her legs were emphasized by her ridiculously high strappy red sandals and gold ankle bracelet. The dress had shoestring straps and dipped low between her pert breasts. I swallowed but my throat and mouth suddenly felt really dry.

“Hi,” I managed to croak out completely forgetting I had my arm around Celeste.

My eyes met Carla’s and all the air seemed to get sucked out my lungs. Good God, the woman had transformed from the beautifully cool princess to red-hot sexy seductress. Her hair was loose but styled to give her a windswept look that highlighted her features and made her look sultry.

She didn’t say a word to me as her eyes narrowed and slid pointedly to Celeste.

“Hello, Carla,” Celeste drawled and stepped closer to my side. My first instinct was to push her away but I knew that would really not go well and I didn’t feel like starting World War Three.

“Celeste,” Carla looked at her coolly, but before any of us could reply, Ken Moore, looking even more ridiculously handsome in a tuxedo, walked in. He walked up to Carla who turned around and smiled up at him.

“What took you so long?” Carla asked Ken.

“You know I don’t like valet’s parking my car,” Ken grinned down at Carla.

“But I bet you still gave the valet a generous tip,” I saw Carla’s eyes narrow.

“Of course,” Ken laughed. “It’s not his fault I’m a paranoid bastard.” He stopped and turned toward myself and Celeste. His eyes narrowed and the smile fell from his face. “What’s she doing here?”

Ken was known for his bluntness.

“Yes,” Carla turned to Celeste with a small smile, “I thought you replied you weren’t coming to the wedding?” She looked at Celeste.

“Damon invited me,” Celeste clung to my arm like a grapevine. I was starting to feel really uncomfortable and irritated that my plan to piss Carla off hadn’t only backfired on me. It had exploded on me like an atomic egg bomb, and here I stood with egg shit all over my stupid face.

“Well, then,” Carla gave myself and Celeste a tight smile, “enjoy your evening.” She linked her arm through Ken’s offered one and walked off toward the quiz lounge.

I took a deep breath. It was time to ditch Celeste.



What the hell was Damon thinking bringing Celeste to the game night? Thank goodness Celeste had had the good sense to leave early. I could see that Damon was not happy with my choice of MC and scorekeepers. I thought Garry did very well for the bride’s team and Hannah, Garry’s fiancé, had done the scoring for the groom’s team while Ken hosted the evening. All the wedding guests had gotten a kick out of the ex-pro basketball hero hosting the bride versus the groom quiz night.

Fun was had by all. Except Damon. He seemed to be sulking around the entire night and glaring daggers at me. It was rather uncomfortable. Thank goodness Ken was there to shield me from Damon. I couldn’t believe I had to spend the next day with him again at the food tasting. We had to stand in for Hayley and Drew who had to go and sort out a problem with their wedding rings. I was just glad that it was at Todd’s restaurant again.