I glanced over to the blonde woman sitting by my side. There was no doubt about it. Celeste was gorgeous, but in a more sexy Betty Boop type of way. Well, Betty Boop with issues. I’d learned long ago that Celeste had issues, especially the green-eyed monster type issues. She also felt nothing about making a scene in public. One epic one was their last year in college. I wasn’t even dating Celeste; we were having a casual booty call hook-up type relationship. Wow! I still shudder thinking about that night.

“Carla chose the snacks and it’s pretty good,” Drew leaned over and told me. I watched him then raise his head and sniff me. I was sitting in between Drew and Celeste at our table. The cousins did not get along.

“Celeste, what perfume are you wearing?” Drew looked past me to Celeste.

She rattled off the name of a famous perfume that I knew and which cost a small fortune.

“I can smell the perfume Hayley and Carla picked out as a gift for the ladies,” Drew sniffed the air once again.

Drew frowned and I sighed. I knew the bastard knew it was me smelling like a girl. This was his way of getting back at me for bringing Celeste to the quiz night. I supposed it was fair. I knew how much Drew disliked the woman.

“It’s me,” I tried to say under my breath and explained to him there was a mix-up with my basket.

I could see him pursing his lips as he tried not to laugh but his eyes gave his inside laughter away as they sparkled with mirth.

“I explicitly told Hayley and Carla what colognes to get my best man and groomsmen.” Drew did that laugh, long throat moan, and wiped his mirth tears away, only to take a big sip of his beer trying to hide his prolonged smile. “I know they bought it.” He snorted. “Will you excuse me for a…” He burst out laughing more openly this time and all the heads at the table turned toward us, “No sorry, but that is so funny.” The laughter shook his chest, drawing Hayley’s table’s attention to him.

“Shhh,” I frown at him in annoyance, “it’s definitely not funny.” I hissed.

“It is kinda funny,” Drew said, wiping his one eye as he did that breath gurgle thing again that people do when they’ve had a good belly laugh.

“Want to share the joke?” one of Drew’s groomsmen leans forward.

“Yeah,” Drew gave me a smug look that clearly stated it was payback time. “There was a mix up with Damon’s guest basket and he ended up getting the ladies cologne,” his chest started to jiggle as his laughter rose once again. “It does smell very nice on him though. I think you should consider switching to it.” The entire table started to laugh.

After that, I had most of the table trying to sniff me up like I was a dog and they were smelling my butt crack. I felt so violated. Worse, the rumor that I was wearing ladies perfume spread across to the bride’s team and that was even worse. My humiliation peaked when Hayley took her bottle out of her purse and told me I should keep it, before advising me that the perfume should be topped up during the night.

Carla Reynolds was back in my crosshairs and going to pay for this. I just knew this was not a mix up; this had been deliberate! While part of me was angry and wanting revenge, another part of me was very impressed. Carla really lived up to the hell hath no fury like a woman scorned saying. I wish we were not sworn mortal enemies because everyone needed a Carla in their corner. Sure, she would hiss and spit like anyone but she did it in such a dignified way. Even when she was threatening my life when she’d fallen in the pool. Her voice had risen but not to banshee level. It was still cool and controlled.

She was a she-devil with class and style. Damn! She was good and now here I was admiring my enemy.

“Damon!” Drew snapped his fingers making me jump.

“What?” I looked at him stupidly.

“Where did you go?” Drew asked me. “We’re about to start, and you were so deep in thought, you didn’t even notice the bitch queen leave to go to the ladies’ room.”

What? I turned my head and Celeste really was gone. Holy crap, how had I missed that? I noticed her wrap was gone as well. Uh-oh, things never ended well when Celeste stormed out.

“I better go handle that,” I excused myself.

“Don’t be long; we’re starting in ten minutes,” Drew warned me. “We’re just waiting on a few more guests, I believe.”

“Won’t be long,” I said, but as I was about to leave, Drew grabbed my arm.