“I think we are going to go for six layers with the six different flavors with caramel filling and vanilla frosting.” Hayley smiled. “I’m so stuffed.” She moaned.

“I need a coffee,” Damon said, hailing the waiter and asking for the beverages menu.

“I think Todd has readied some specialty coffees for your table,” the waiter informed them as he started to clean up. “Is there anything you’d like to takeaway?”

“Todd has our takeaway order already,” Hayley smiled and thanked the waiter.

Todd came out of the kitchen with a tray of coffees and a large white box as the waiter finished clearing off our table.

“Coffees.” Todd handed them out to each of us. “This is for the bride and groom” He placed a large box with ganache cupcakes in it for them. “Your cupcake starter pack.” He winked at Hayley.

“Thank you, Todd,” Hayley peeked through the see-through film, “they look delicious. Luckily, I’m just so full or I’d tuck into them right now.”

“I could eat one,” Drew tried to open the box only to have his hand swatted away by Hayley. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Well, I for one, really enjoyed that,” Damon looked up at Todd and smiled. “Your cakes are brilliant.”

“Thank you,” Todd gave Damon a cool stare.

“Todd,” Hayley looked up at Todd after taking a sip of her coffee, “this is still as delicious as I remembered.”

“Thank you,” Todd gave a slight bow, “you know it was inspired by our mutual friend and her need to make her favorite beverage a little healthier.” He looked straight at me when he said that.

I took a sip of my coffee. I love Todd’s spiced cappuccino. I hid my smile by taking another sip of my coffee as Damon took a huge gulp of his coffee. It immediately hit him in the throat, making him choke and splutter coffee all over the place.

“You’re not supposed to gulp spiced cappuccino,” I said, biting my lip trying not to laugh but I couldn’t help it. The look on his face was just too classic. I had to laugh.

“Yes,” Todd looked down at Damon, totally unaffected by him nearly choking to death. “Some things bite back.” He grinned.

“A bit too spicy for you there, bud?” Drew leaned over the table and patted Damon on the back while offering him some water. “It says right here on the saucer, spiced cappuccino, beware!” A smile spread across his lips.

“I thought…” Damon sipped the water, “that was just…” he coughed and cleared his throat, “a logo.”

“No,” I looked at Damon with a raised eyebrow, “it’s a warning.” I gave him a half smile. I have actually had it before with Drew and Hayley. And yeah, I saw no need to warn Damon about the spice.

“How come no one else is coughing and spluttering?” Damon eyed us out suspiciously.

“We can all read,” I told him with a big grin, “and we all just assumed you could too and you knew that a spiced cappuccino has cayenne pepper in it.”

“God, it tastes like chilis,” Damon downed the water. “Who drinks coffee with pepper in it?”

“A lot of people,” Todd told him. “It is one of the most popular coffees on the menu.”

“Todd,” I look at my watch, “we’re going to have to go.” I looked at Hayley and she nodded.

“You have Hayley’s order,” I double checked, “and she has her cupcakes.” I grinned as Hayley hugged her confectionary box possessively.

“Yes,” Todd stepped aside to let us out of the booth. “I’ll see you all on Friday night at the rehearsal dinner.” Todd gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you and Drew tomorrow to sample the dinner selections,” he said to Hayley.

“You most definitely will.” Drew shook Todd's hand and Hayley gave him a hug.

“Todd,” Damon gave Todd a curt nod before following behind us.

“Damon,” Todd gave him a half smile.

“Well, that went well,” Drew grinned, “You okay, buddy?” He looked at Damon.

“I think I’ll get the feeling back in my mouth and throat at some time or other,” Damon rubbed the outside of his throat. “And maybe my taste too.”

Well, that certainly evened up the score a little bit. I gave myself a pat on the back feeling great.



Bloody hell, that woman was mean and sneaky. She’d toyed with me throughout the entire cake tasting, making me think she’d had Todd doctor a piece of cake specially for me. Then, when there were no food poisoning or diarrhea incidents, I had let down my guard and boom! She fed me fire coffee. My throat still felt scratchy and my taste was not back to what it was. I was sure I had a few extra dashes of cayenne pepper in my spiced cappuccino.

I was playing open and fair! But not anymore. I too could be just as sneaky as Missy Prissy. She was going down in flames. I had to up my game and I knew how. I had two scores to settle now. I picked up my phone and looked through the message I had gotten from a friend who lived on the island and wanted to have a catch up when they knew I’d be here. I fully intended to contact my friend the first night I arrived in Hawaii but I had to try and wiggle into Princess Carla’s good books. But now the gloves were off.