“Can I offer you the beverages menu?” A waiter came over to us. “Chef will be with you in a moment with your cake choices.” He smiled at us while handing out the menus. “May I suggest something with a mild taste so as not to affect the tasting of your cake.”

“That’s okay,” Todd said to the waiter as walked over to greet us. “We have lots of bottled water to flush out your palate.” He greeted everyone except Damon with a warm smile. “Please take the menu’s back and bring them once the tasting is done.”

I could’ve burst out laughing when I saw the shock on Damon’s face. He was looking forward to the beautiful Celeste; instead, he got her ex-fiancé. A man who disliked Damon, since he was the cause of Todd and Celeste’s breakup.

“Todd?” Damon’s eyes immediately fell on me, “Really?” He hissed at me with daggers shooting from his eyes.

“Todd is the best on the island,” I repeated what Drew had said, “and he’s one of mine and Hayley’s oldest friends.”

“Like the Ken doll?” Damon said nastily.

“Yes,” I said before going back to ignoring him as Todd started to lay out the cakes, frostings, and filling in front of us.

“The side plates are on their way,” Todd gave Hayley a warm smile. “Mix and match the flavors and cakes.” He grinned. “I’ll have the ganaches sent over in a bit.” He told them. “It comes in three flavors, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and caramel flavored chocolate.”

“I like your idea of having the ganache as cupcakes,” Hayley looked at Todd. “Do you still do your famous peppermint dark chocolate ganache?” She smiled sweetly at Todd.

“For you,” Todd gave Hayley a warm smile, “yes.” He looked at me and winked. “Carla warned me you may ask for that so we made a few tasters of that one specially for you.”

“That’s why you’ve always been my favorite,” Hayley sighed and blew a kiss at Todd.

“Here are some pencils and paper.” Todd pulled out some cards and gave us each two along with a pencil and eraser. “Write your favorites on here and then narrow them down.”

“These all look delicious,” Drew had a terrible sweet tooth, especially for baked goods. “I can’t wait to tuck in.”

“Remember to drink water and take your time to savor the taste,” Todd advised us, “and don’t over indulge as there are a lot of options to try. Take a few bites of each.” Todd left us alone to indulge in a pile of sugary treats.

“Yes, dad,” Damon mocked Todd and rolled his eyes. “I’m telling you, you should’ve gone with Celeste.” He picked up a cake, put it on his plate and dug into some frosting. “Did you tell her you weren’t going to use her?” He looked at Hayley. “I think she was looking forward to baking your cake.” He looked at Drew. “Isn’t she your cousin?”

“Third cousin,” I reminded Damon, “It was also not your place to decide on who’d make Hayley and Drew’s wedding cake.” I gave him a warning look.

“Carla is right, Damon,” Hayley stuck up for me. She’d been just as irritated and angry with Damon when Drew told them that Damon had organized Celeste to bake their wedding cake. “You should’ve cleared it with us first.” She pointed from herself, to Drew, and then me.

“I’m sorry,” Damon apologized and gave me a dirty look, “I was only trying to help.”

“You were trying to get back into her pants more like it,” I hissed for his ears only.

“Why, Carla,” Damon whispered back to me, “is that a bit of the little green-eyed monster I see?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I hissed back at him. “I couldn’t give a damn who you slept with.” I picked up a white lemon sponge and put it on his plate. “Here, Drew told us this was one of your favorite cake flavors.” I gave him a slow smile as I said. “We had it made specially for you.”

Damon eyed me suspiciously and poked at the cake warily. I looked at him innocently. His eyes narrowed at me before he took a small taste of the cake like it was about to bite him. I smiled and raised my eyebrow knowing it was going to make him even more weary.

“Can I have a taste of that?” Hayley dug into the same piece Damon has just taken a bite of.

I gave Damon a small smile before I sipped my water. He glared at me as I turned and mixed two different types of sponges with the caramel frosting.

“This is divine,” I made sure Damon saw me hiding a smile letting him know I knew he knew I was toying with him. He was in my territory now!

For the rest of the cake testing, Damon followed the cakes either myself, Drew, or Hayley tasted first. As if I would ruin a good cake trying to make a point or get back at him for the hair, food, and pool incidents. I liked cake and I knew the hard work Todd puts into each of his cakes.