Game on, Princess! I swung a perfect shot that arced through the air and landed nearly exactly where I wanted it to. Game on!



I was still smarting when I woke up over the previous day’s golf match. Damon had cheated and made me look like a sore loser! Hayley and I had beat off the competition to play in the finals of the pre-wedding day fun golf tournament. Everyone had a day filled with laughter and many antics.

Although everyone else around us was doing a little cheating here and there, Hayley and I didn’t have to cheat. We’d been playing golf since we were twelve. We’d taken it at school as a way of getting out of doing PE because we couldn’t stand the sergeant major PE teacher. We hadn’t thought for one second that we’d end up enjoying the game or taking it up as an actual sport.

We played as often as we could or at least once a month to keep our game up. We also knew we were better players than Drew was. I’d never played against Damon so I’d had no idea what kind of a player he was. I soon realized during the game that he was a cheater! That’s what kind of player he was. Before we started playing each game that day, the strongest players agreed to let the weaker players have certain advantages. The weaker players were also allowed to move the stronger players' ball to anywhere on the green once per hole.

I lost count how many times a weaker player had accidently thrown my ball in a sand trap or water hazard. But it was good for a laugh right up until the final game when Hayley and I had to play Damon and Drew for the final match. There was actually a prize. It was a large chocolate trophy filled with caramel to share with the rest of the winning team.

The golf game had been neck-and-neck but only because Damon had been cheating. There are only so many times he can accidentally knock my ball! And his scores were not accurate but he refused to let me be the score keeper. Whenever Drew or he were over par, it was written on mine or Hayley’s score. I was furious when I saw this, and it is the very last time I’d trust him with any scoring duties, like at the quiz tonight. I had appointed three relatively neutral parties to help with the quiz and keep score to keep things fair. I had not told anyone who they are, not even Hayley. I knew that sounds totally paranoid but I don’t trust that conniving, cheating Damon. The man was an absolute menace. I really wish he’d stayed in Paris.

Today as well, I was going to have to endure his company. I have no idea why Damon had insisted on coming to the cake tasting with me, Hayley, and Drew. Although, I thought it might’ve been because he thought Celeste was baking Hayley and Drew’s wedding cake. Celeste was a friend of his and he had suggested we use her. So, I couldn’t wait to see his face when he saw who the person was that was not only catering the food for the wedding but also baking the cake for it. This was going to be a great day and my revenge plan was already in the works.

Because Damon was going to be there, I wore darker color clothes with a more durable fabric just in case.


I hardly greeted Damon when I had to sit in the back of Hayley and Drew’s rental car next to him on the drive to the restaurant. Instead, Hayley and I discussed plans for the next few days.

Damon’s look of confusion when we pulled up at a restaurant instead of Celeste’s bakery was classic. I had to turn away to hide my smile when we walked into the restaurant.

“This isn’t Celeste’s bakery,” Damon’s brows crinkled in confusion. “Does she own a restaurant now?”

“No,” Hayley shook her head as she slid into the booth the maître d’ led them to. “We decided not to take your suggestion and use Celeste.” She told Damon who looked a little stricken for a second. “Carla came up with a much better baker who is also a chef, and so could do both our cake and food catering.” She gave a contented sigh, “And he is so good.”

“This is rated as one of the top restaurants on the island,” Drew told Damon while sitting next to Hayley, which made me have to slide in next to Damon. “Didn’t you read the chapter on the foods in your best man file?”

“Sorry,” Damon said looking disappointed, “I didn’t quite get to that chapter of the wedding instruction manual yet.” He looked at me as the sarcasm dripped from his tongue.