“Do you want to walk him?” I asked her with a grin on my face.

“No,” Carla told me primly, “I wouldn’t want to spoil your fun.”

We walked with Mr. Henley over to the pool.

“This is beautiful,” Carla breathed, looking out toward the ocean.

“Yes, this is a popular evening cocktail area,” Mr. Henley informed us, “especially when the sun is going down.”

“I can imagine,” Carla smiled and breathed in the fresh air.

“Why don’t the two of you enjoy a complimentary cocktail?” Mr. Henley turned, pointing to the waiter approaching us with two orange drinks with little umbrellas in them. “I will go get the paperwork that needs to be signed.”

“Thank you,” I said while taking the drink.

“Are you okay with Harry?” Mr. Henley asked.

“Yes,” I looked down at Harry who seemed to be enjoying the sun with his head up and mouth open.

Mr. Henley walked off with the waiter close behind him.

“We really need to get going soon,” Carla told me impatiently before turning back to look out over the ocean. She walked closer to the edge of the pool and sipped her cocktail. “This is really good.”

As Carla turned to look at me holding up her drink, Harry slipped out of his harness and leapt toward her before I could stop him.

Carla screamed, stepped back, and then… splash! Carla, her drink, and Harry all landed in the pool.

She surfaced at the same time as Harry did and screamed again as the iguana swam toward her. I had to try not to laugh as Carla and Harry did an awkward “which way are you going” dance before Harry ducked under the water. Carla vaulted from the pool like an angry mermaid.

Her new hairdo was plastered to her face and her mascara streaked down her eyes, making her look like a demon. Bits of fresh orange stuck to her dress, which clung to her body like a second skin. I swallowed as my eyes traveled over her lithe body. She may as well have been naked as her pert breasts stood to attention from the cold water through the sports-type bra she had on. Her trim tanned stomach rose and fell with her rib cage from her deep angry breaths. Before my eyes got to the apex of her legs, her angry voice pulled me from my daze.

“You goddamn idiot,” Carla screamed at me, “why can’t you just leave things well enough alone?” She stormed up to one of the deck chairs and grabbed a fluffy towel from it to wrap around her body. “You’re like a child having to play with every gimmick you see.” Her eyes blazed. “You know what?” She glared at me, “I’m done!” She put her hands up before spinning around. She grabbed her purse off the chair she’d put it on and stormed off. Her sandals squished with water and left a wet trail behind her.

“Carla,” I shouted after her, “wait!” Before I ran after her, I saw her cocktail glass and hat floating in the water. And Harry climbed onto it and hissed at me as if to say This is mine now! “Okay, buddy,” I held up my hands and stepped back. “It’s yours. But know this. You and I have a score to settle.” I could’ve sworn the smug iguana was laughing at me.

When I walked back into the hotel lobby, I caught sight of Carla wearing a blue fluffy robe and climbing into a black town car.

“Carla!” I shouted and tried to run after her but Mr. Henley stopped me.

“I think we should let Miss. Reynolds leave.” Mr. Henley looked at me and I’m sure I saw a little bit of humor glimmering in his eyes. “At least until she’s a little less angry.”

“I can’t seem to do anything right around that woman,” I mumbled.

I followed Mr. Henley to his office to go and sign all the papers that I had to sign for the poker night. It seemed like a freakin’ mountain of forms.


By the time I got back to the hotel, Carla and the ladies were long gone. I was running so late that I didn’t even have time to change. I had to stay in the clothes I’d been wearing since early that morning.

Drew told me that Carla and the ladies were having a beach picnic dinner and learning to hula dance. I so wanted to crash that party as I was still a little annoyed with Carla for screaming at me and then childishly storming off. She didn’t even give me a chance to apologize.

I shook it off as I was not going to let her little temper tantrum ruin my friend’s first Hawaii night out.


Why did the sun have to be so bright! My head still had a dull ache from the night before. Why had I booked such an early tee-time? I wondered as we walked into the golf club and the manager greeted us with a cheerful smile.