“So, you’ve known Ken Moore since you were ten?” Damon looked amazed.

“Actually, I’ve known Cocoa Beans since we were in diapers,” Ken made me blush using his pet name for me. “Our mothers are best friends and they grew up together in Napa.”

“You’re from Napa?” Damon asked Ken. He looked even more amazed. “Why did I think you were from Hollywood?”

“My PR agents,” Ken shook his head. “They thought it would be better for me to have come from Hollywood.”

“I’m Damon,” Damon introduced himself.

“Hey,” Ken nodded and smiled. “So, you said you wanted to book the private room for a bachelor party?” He looked at Damon.

“Yes,” I nodded and answered as Damon was still looking a little star-struck. I forgot what a basketball fan he was.

“I don’t normally do this,” Damon pulled out his phone, “but can I take a selfie with you? My buds aren’t going to believe I met the legendary Ken Moore.”

“Sure,” Ken stepped up next to Damon and posed for all the snaps Damon took.

“Thanks, man,” Damon said, looking like Santa had just bought him a pony.

“Can I get a selfie with you?” Ken grinned at me. “It’s been a long time and I have to say babe, you’re looking as beautiful as ever and even sexier.”

“You’ve not changed one bit,” I laughed and let him take some pictures of us. “Now, about the room…” I changed the banter back to business as I was on a schedule I’d already rearranged a few times since Damon showed up in Hawaii.

“You know I’d kick the king out of there for you, my love,” Ken gave me a squeeze and kissed me on the head.

“Is that a yes then?” I asked to get a committed yes from him.

Ken looked at me and shook his head before taking out his phone and tapping something into it. My phone binged. I took it out and looked at it. It was a booking confirmation for the date of the bachelor party.

“Thank you,” I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “We’ve got to run. There is so much still to do.”

“If you have time while you’re here, let’s have dinner,” Ken walked us back to the car. “Nice.” He looked at the Maserati. “I see you finally got your car.” He looked at me.

“No,” I shook my head. “This is Damon’s rental.”

“A bit girly for a dude, don’t you think?” Ken looked at Damon.

“No,” Damon defended the car, “not at all.”

“Let me know about dinner, babe,” Ken gave me another hug and kiss before opening the passenger door for me.

“I will but I can’t make any promises,” I told Ken before we said our goodbyes and drove off to get to my hair appointment.

“You could’ve warned me that the owner of the club was Ken Moore,” Damon said.

“I didn’t want to ruin your surprise,” I lied. Truth is I don’t see Ken as some pro sports star. Myself and Hayley have known him our whole lives. “He’s on the guest list for the wedding reception.” I told him. “If you read through that list, you would’ve seen his name there with his plus one.”

“Seriously?” Damon looked surprised once again. “So, Hayley knows him too?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “we all grew up together.”

“How did I not know this?” Damon shook his head as he changed lanes to take me to the hairdresser.

“We don’t hang out in the same circles?” I point out.

“Was he the friend you were going to meet last night?” Damon asked.

“Not that it’s any of your business,” I told Damon, “but no, I was going to see another friend of mine who lives on the island.”

“I take it you come to Hawaii a lot.” Damon said as he pulled up in front of the hairdresser. “I’ll go get a coffee and make a few calls while I wait for you.” He got out of the car to open the door for me.

“Okay,” I said and pointed to a little coffee shop over the road. “That little coffee shop is one of this island’s best kept secrets.”

“Great,” Damon smiled at me. “I’ll be there waiting.”

I gave him a smile and nodded as I walked into the hairdresser. I was so relieved that my hair was finally going to be fixed.


I walked out of the hair salon feeling a little naked as my long hair had to be cut shoulder-length thanks to Damon’s hacking a piece off. But the hairdresser had been a genius, keeping the style of my longer hair, only somewhat shorter.

My head felt light and I wasn’t used to not feeling it tickling my back when it was down. Oh well, at least it was back to looking chic and elegant and not like a two-year-old had gotten hold of some scissors with my hair as it’s target.