Johnathan was probably around thirty. He had big glasses with thick black rims. The poor guy was already having hair issues, and the bald spot at the front of his head had been shiny with perspiration. He was a tad—okay, a lot—portly, but he seemed like a truly nice person. He had a nice smile, and his brown eyes had been kind. He didn’t seem to find the need to wear green contacts, so I immediately liked that about him. He also didn’t have the typical asshole attitude I assumed all guys who are connected in any way to Hal must have.

I’m aware the sentiment might term my brother an asshole, but right now, he’s in my bad books, so I don’t care.

I told Johnathan he was set up, that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, and also how I’d just gotten out of a long-term relationship and was currently enjoying my freedom. I then told him he could save his money on wherever he was planning on taking me to. He seemed quite pleased that I baked him a delicious cake and included a hundred dollars for his silence. I also threw in a business card because if he liked the cake, why not have him as a repeat customer?

Apparently, Johnathan really likes being let in on a secret. He liked the idea of being a double agent—he called himself that—playing Hal, who had set up the date. He promised he’d say we went for dinner and then to a comedy show before having a very long, passionate, and thrilling make-out session in his car.

Oh yes, revenge is often entirely too sweet. For me anyway, because I often make cakes and cupcakes and whatnot—part and parcel of my schemes. I wear an evil, ear-to-ear grin as I text Hal back.

Stella: It was actually amazing. First guy I’ve ever been on a date with who could kiss me breathless. Thanks for setting it up.

Hal responds immediately. I know he’d never be jealous because it’s me we’re talking about, but I like to imagine him grinding his teeth over me having a good time. Hal sent a nice enough guy over—someone who wouldn’t harm me or murder me if he had taken me out—but I’m pretty sure it was just Hal trying to fuck with me. I mean, who tries to meddle with their best friend’s sister’s love life? Gross. My baking is infected by my tears. Fuck him. I’ll show him salty.

Hal: I’m glad you had a good time.

Stella: Yes, thank you. I really needed a pick me up after Daryl. Johnathan wasn’t just talented with his mouth. He was also very talented with his *hand emoji*.

Hal: I did not need to know that.

Stella: *Middle finger emoji*

Hal: Yeah, that’s more like it. As long as he didn’t do anything inappropriate for a first date because then I’ll have to tell Sam, and we’ll have to kill him. Johnathan’s a nice guy, and he was warned.

Shit. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I did tell Johnathan that I’d relate the details of our date as making out in the car after, but I didn’t say anything about hands.

Stella: You’re the one who set it up. If you don’t want me—a fully-grown mature woman who can take care of herself—going on dates, then maybe you should mind your own freaking business, you butt clown. *clown emoji*

Hal: Butt clown? I should spank you for that.

Strangely enough, his words send a fiery heat spreading through me that has no business being hot, fiery, or even in my body. Ugh, I really should get whatever this is checked out. Now I’m having hot flashes, and my nipples are tightening. I swear, if this is my appendix, it’s coming out the first chance I get. I cast a suspicious glance at the ovens, but everything seems to be right with them. They’re not giving off more heat than normal.

Stella: Gross. Thank you, no. Not unless you let me bean you with that pot as payback.

Hal: I already talked to Johnathan. I got the whole story out of him. You’ll never out-bribe me. I’m richer.

“Farging wizardly bastard!” I yell to no one in particular. The words echo through my empty bakery. Empty, because of Hal. I’m angry because of Hal. I’m going to lose my mind because of Hal. And I might even lose my business because of Hal.

It would serve him right if I made him buy me out. I could go work for someone else and put my schooling to good use like I always wanted. I could find a room for rent in Seattle and get out of the shit apartment I don’t even like anyway. My life is a wreck and has been since my mom got sick, but right now, she’s doing okay.