I gave myself a spritz of my perfume and headed out the door while checking my watch. If we left now, we’d make it to the club in time to catch the owner who happened to be another good friend of mine.


When I got down to the lobby, I wasn’t surprised to see that Damon was not there. I was surprised to see him on the jogging track though. I really didn’t think he ever got up before at least noon each day.

I went and sat in the lobby, grateful to Garry when he brought me some coffee while I waited for Damon. I was on my second cup of coffee and had been sitting in the lobby for twenty minutes when Damon decided to join me. The man wasn’t even contrite about his tardiness.

“There you are,” Damon popped up in front of me.

“Well, nice to see you’re so punctual,” I told him sarcastically and watched him frown.

“Are you being sarcastic?” Damon’s frown deepened, “I can’t seem to tell with you.”

“That was definitely sarcasm,'' I told him,” Standing up and smoothing out my dress. “If we hurry, we might just make it in time to catch Ken.”

“Ken?” Damon looked at me confused.

“The owner of the club you want to hold the bachelor party at,” I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“Oh, right,” Damon nodded. “Then let’s get going. I’ve already ordered my car.” He stood aside to let me walk out the hotel door first.

We’d just stepped outside when a sleek red Maserati convertible pulled up in front of us.

“Ah,” Damon stepped around me and took the keys from the parking attendant. “Thanks.” He gave the young man a nice tip before opening the passenger door for me.

“I took you for more of a Porsche man,” I said trying to hide how impressed I was with the beautiful car. I loved Maserati and actually had my new one on order back home. I wanted one in deep blue, and it had to be specially ordered.

“I thought I’d try something new,” Damon punched in the GPS coordinates for the club before he slid the powerful car out of the hotel parking lot. “Actually, I’m waiting for them to deliver my Ferrari tomorrow and this was the only other car the rental company had.”

“That makes sense,” I told him. “I love Maserati. In fact, I’m hoping my new one will be ready by the time I get back to California.”

“I can see you in this car,” Damon gave me a grin. “What car did you rent?” he asked me.

“I actually didn’t have time to rent one,” I admitted.

“What?” Damon pretended to look shocked. “Miss I’ve-my-day-organized-to-the-last-second didn’t put renting a car into her schedule?”

“I had more pressing things to think about,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Well, I’m sure you can take this one over if you like,” Damon glanced at me. “I’ll give the car company a call when we’re finished at the club.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” I said grudgingly. “I was going to see about getting myself a car some time this morning, but between having to have my hair redone and helping you, I had to move it off my schedule for today.”

“Well,” Damon gave me a big grin, “I’m glad I could help with a rental car.”

“Thank you, Damon,” I gave him a small smile as we pulled into the parking lot of the club.

“It seems a little creepy during the day.” Damon said with a shudder.

“That’s because only Ken and a few other cars are in the parking lot,” I waited for Damon to turn off the car so I could get out.

I have to admit to being a little bit excited about maybe taking over the Maserati. I was just going to get a runaround smaller car.

We got out of the car and walked toward the club. We were not even at the door when it swung open and the blonde six-foot-six ex-pro basketball player Adonis, aka Ken Moore, stepped out.

Damon’s eyes grew huge.

“That’s your friend Ken?” He stood staring at the man.

“As I live and breathe,” Ken’s deep voice boomed, “if it isn’t the woman who broke my heart.”

“Hey, Kenny,” I smile fondly at Ken.

As he rushed toward me, I prepared for the huge bear hug I knew I was about to endure. The man was not only tall but a solid wall of muscle and I was usually left bruised after one of what Ken liked to call his love hugs.

“You didn’t tell me you knew Ken Moore or that he owned this club,” Damon stared at me a little dazed.

“Knew?” Ken put me down and turned toward Damon, “I was going to marry this girl.” He informed Damon. “But she moved away and broke my heart.” He put his hand dramatically over his heart.

“We were ten, Kenny,” I reminded him, “and if it’s any consolation, I still have the lucky packet ring you proposed to me with.” I laughed at the look on Damon’s face. “I went off to boarding school. I didn’t move away.”