“Well, that’s my cue as well,” I said my goodbyes and headed up to my room with my mind filled with ways to knock princess Carla off her high horse.



I had just stepped out of the shower when the phone in my room rang. I was a little annoyed as I was not expecting any calls and it was my only night off from maid-of-honor duties. I knew I told Hayley that I was having an early night, but I was actually going to go out and meet an old friend who lived in Hawaii who I’d not seen in a while.

I was not planning on having a late night and we were only going out for a quick catchup dinner. But I was really looking forward to it. This past year had been exhausting with my mom and dad wanting to retire to Florida (of all places and so cliché), so I had suddenly been thrown into the deep with our family wine business. I would soon be taking over Reynolds Winery and Vineyards. I had to up my game and start shadowing my parents. Both of them played prominent parts in our family’s wine business and I was expected to amalgamate both their positions into one.

I picked up the phone not expecting to hear the deep resonating tones of none other than Damon freakin’ Winters.

“Hi, Carla,” Damon’s voice was all chipper like he’s somehow doing me a big favor by calling me.

“Is something wrong?” I asked Damon.

“Why would you ask that?” Damon asked me.

“Why else would you be calling me?” I asked him in the frostiest voice I could muster. “As far as I remember, we had discussed everything we needed to for the day. Everything else we were going to discuss when we meet up tomorrow to go and book the venues you should’ve booked weeks ago.”

“Yeah,” Damon sounded like he was smiling. I hated the way he could sound like he was laughing at you without even laughing at you. “I don’t remember all that.” He drawled, “And as I’m putting your schedule out, I was hoping we could have dinner together tonight to get a start on my plans.”

The nerve of the guy!

“Actually, Damon,” I kept my voice cool; I didn’t want him to know how irritated I was with his assumptions that I was available to meet with him at the drop of a hat, “as it’s my only night off from my maid-of-honor duties,” I emphasized the words night off, “I have plans.”

“You’re going out?” Damon’s voice sounded surprised, “And here I was thinking that you took your duties to Hayley seriously.”

“I do,” I told him coldly, “and you know I do.” Okay, so now I could no longer hold the impatience out of my voice. “But tonight I’ve promised another good friend of mine I would have supper with him.”

“Ah,” Damon said, “it’s a him? Now I understand.” I didn’t like the insinuation in his voice.

“No,” I said falling into his trap before I even realized it, “I don’t think you do.”

“Look,” Damon’s voice changed, “I could really use your help with planning the best week ever for Drew. You’ve done an amazing job for Hayley. I don’t want to make Drew feel like his week is not as amazing.”

Shit! Now that he’d put it that way! I sighed and knew I’d been backed into a classic Damon Winters pass-the-buck corner. If it was any other time, other than my best friend’s wedding, I would’ve let the bastard crash and burn. But I’d known Drew for just as long as I’d known Hayley, and I didn’t want anything to ruin their wedding week.

“Fine,” I said through gritted teeth. “Meet me downstairs in twenty minutes.”

“I thought we could order room service in my suite,” Damon said to me.

“Really?” I asked him, not sure why the thought of going to his room gave me butterflies in my stomach. “I was looking forward to having a three-course meal in a fancy restaurant with my friend tonight. As I am now going to have to cancel my evening to help you, I think you can handle the hotel’s restaurant.”

“You’re right,” Damon sighed, “I’ll meet you downstairs in twenty minutes.”

“Great,” I didn’t think I could grit my teeth any harder without cracking them. “I’ll see you then.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Damon told me, and I could swear I heard a smile in his voice again before I hung up.

That insufferable lout. Now I had to phone my friend Todd and cancel. But as I dialed, an idea sprung to mind. My friend also happened to be one of the best chefs on the island. Todd was catering Hayley’s wedding and did not like Damon. We were all in school together. In fact, Todd and Damon had been rivals since their last year of college together. I am sure Todd would jump at the chance to have some fun with Damon at the food tasting in a few days’ time.