“Carla.” Drew kicked me beneath the table. “Damon’s tired from the flight over here and just a little cranky. He didn’t mean what he said.” He turned and glared at me. “Did you, Damon?”

“Sorry, I’m tired and cranky,” I lifted my eyebrow and gave her a lopsided smile.

“You know what,” Carla looked at me sweetly. “The venue you want to hold the bachelor party at is still open at six thirty in the morning.” She batted her ridiculously long, thick dark lashes at me. “If we meet before my appointment at say, six tomorrow morning, we could go there as I know that’s the time the owner goes in to start closing down the club.”

“I think that’s a brilliant idea,” Hayley backed Carla up and backed me into a tightly knit little corner. “That way, you will be able to get through a lot more tomorrow.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Carla looked at me with a sweet smile and raised eyebrows.

Touché, little witch! Oh, she was going to pay for this. When I was more rested and had some food in me, I would find a way to get payback. She knew I was not a morning person. In fact, I thought everyone who knew me knew that six in the morning was still the middle of the night for me.

“Fine,” I said to her with a nice cooperative smile while my eyes were telling her, I’ll take your challenge Princess Carla and raise you one. “At least that gives me thirty minutes to go for a quick run,” I lied.

I saw the look in her eyes. She didn’t believe my story about going for a run at all. Shit, now that meant I’d have to go for a run at that time of the morning. Why do I always let this prissy little miss get under my skin?

I was going to have to go to bed early. That wasn’t going to be a problem. I felt like I’d been on a plane for days. I’d been through a few different time zones and about eighteen hours in the air from Paris to Napa County. After a few hours in Napa and a quick hello to my parents, I’d taken my next flight to Hawaii.

“I guess I’ll see you on the running track in the morning,” Carla said, giving me one more of her sweet smiles while her eyes were mocking me. “Good night then.”

“I’ll be there with my running shoes on,” I called out to her while watching her hips sway gently on her way to the elevator.

Why the hell did I say that?

This goddam woman always brought the worst out in me. An evil idea formed in my mind. If Miss Prissy wanted to play games, she'd just come upon a major player. I knew I was supposed to be buttering Carla up as my parents were counting on me to talk to her about a business deal. But Princess Carla needed to be pulled down a peg or two. I could still butter her up and do a little sabotage of her neatly laid-out itinerary for her female guests.

I looked in my best man file that Carla handed me to fill my information into. I noticed that Carla had not given me a copy of her maid of honor plans.

“Hayley,” I asked the bride-to-be, “I don’t seem to have a copy of Carla’s itinerary?”

“Here,” Hayley opened her file and pulled her copy out for me, “you can take mine. I’ll get another one from Carla.” She gave me a knowing look.

“Thanks,” I told the itinerary and popped it into my folder. “I think I’m going to order room service, have a shower, and grab an early night.” I stretched and yawned to make my point. I also left out my plans to start plotting a little revenge for the prissy missy.

“That’s a good idea,” Drew grinned at me, “you look like you haven’t slept in months.”

“Thanks,” I gave him a withering look. “I still look better than you, buddy.” Play punching him on the arm, “Even all disheveled and jet lag,” I ran my hand around my face, “I’m still the best-looking guy in the room.”

“And the biggest narcissist,” Carla’s voice came from behind me. “Sorry, I forgot my purse.”

“Here it is,” Hayley handed Carla’s purse to her. “I was going to drop it off on the way back to my room.”

“Thanks,” Carla leaned down and gave Hayley a hug, “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for our first outing.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Hayley stifled a yawn with her hand, “I’m so glad you didn’t plan anything for tonight or too early tomorrow morning.”

“Hayley,” Carla smiled warmly down at her friend. “I’ve known you my whole life. I know you don’t travel well and need time to recuperate.”

“I can always count on you,” Hayley blew Carla a kiss as she left the room.