Did I say our best friends are getting married to each other?

And I'm stuck with him for a WHOLE week planning the wedding!

But wait, it gets worse, like ending up handcuffed to your worst enemy after a wild night out,

With no key in sight. Eeeeeeeeeerp!



This was going to be a great day! The weather was perfect as it was going to be for the entire week, and all my appointments had been booked. This was so exciting. All I needed to do was sort out the cake with the bride and groom and make sure all the flowers would arrive on time.

What a great place to have a destination wedding? Hayley couldn’t have picked a more ideal place. I loved the island atmosphere of Hawaii mingled with the salty tang of the sea air and warm climate. Yup, it was going to be the perfect week!

My watch’s alarm beeped an alert that it was time to go meet the happy couple and go over the itinerary for the week. I knew that Hayley was going to love the itinerary I’d put together for the bridal party and lady guests’ entertainment this week. All that needed to be done in that department was coordinating with Drew’s best man for the mixer functions.

I knew I shouldn’t be, but I was really glad that Drew’s first choice for a best man was not able to make it. If anything would ruin this perfect week, it would be having to spend it in the presence of…

Oh no! I felt my heart drop to my feet as I reached the foyer where I was supposed to meet my best friend and her fiancé. Because who is standing there towering over the happy couple but the harbinger of doom to what should be a perfect week.

“Carla,” Hayley’s eyes lit up when she spotted me trying to hide behind a rather skinny-looking Ficus.

Damn! My eyes darted around the room. Maybe I could pretend I didn’t hear her or… yes, my phone. Only I didn’t have my phone with me. Drat! I knew I’d forgotten something when I’d left my really fabulous room.

“Carla?” I watched Hayley’s brows draw together in a frown.

I gave myself a mental shake and took a deep breath knowing if I didn’t go to my friend she was probably going to get premature wrinkles as her frown deepened while she stared at me.

“Hi,” I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster as I popped out from behind the skinny Ficus.

“Carla!” The harbinger of doom to an otherwise happy occasion stepped around the happy couple and, to my horror, started walking toward me.

Are his arms open? I watched as a slow smile that I knew he probably thought was seductive spread across his irritatingly handsome face. He got closer and reached out to wrap his arms around me. I took an instinctive step back and knocked into my old buddy, the skinny Ficus, who had been no help to me earlier but was now blocking my pathway to escape.

“Hello, Damon,” I tried to keep my voice as unemotional as possible. I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing how disappointed I was that he’d made it for the wedding after all.

“Come on now,” Damon stepped in front of me.

His arms were splayed out like he was about to tell me I’d just won a grand prize while the undernourished Ficus was sticking its spindly little branches into my back and stopping me from making a quick getaway. I could swear it had actually tried to push me toward Damon.

“Is that any way to greet an old friend?'' Damon gave me his I’m too sexy and I know it grin.

I felt like a rabbit caught in the bright spotlights of an oncoming truck. I couldn’t do anything about it so I found myself being swept into his powerfully strong muscular arms and plastered against his solid body. My feet left the ground as he picked me up like I weighed nothing.

“Can you put me down now?” I tilted my head back to look into his green eyes! He was very handsome, I noted, as our eyes locked just before he dumped me back onto the ground.

When he unwrapped his arms from around my body, something yanked my long hair.

“Ow!” I moaned and grabbed my scalp, only to find that I was hooked to his gold watch.

“My watch!” Damon the idiot pulled his wrist, nearly pulling my roots out.

“Stop!” I hissed. My head was bent one way while I held my roots. “Let me look.”

Before I could skillfully remove the rather big chunk of hair stuck in his watch, the Neanderthal reached onto the service desk and picked up a pair of small scissors.

“Don’t you…” Before I could say the word ‘dare,’ Damon hacked almost an inch of my hair off.