We’ve had lots of changes over the past two years. The house now has a new coat of paint, for one. We scraped it all down, painted it white, reshingled the roof, and added a porch for muddy boots. It looks like a brand new place now. Oh, and Finn spent quite a few days with a crew of guys fixing the porch. Now it’s proud and strong and doesn’t wilt to the side. I know Great Aunt May would be proud if she could see the place now. On the inside, we did add a bit of our own décor. Most of it was Finn’s after he moved in. When he sold his place in New York, he kept the art he really liked, and it goes great with Great Aunt May’s old, chunky furniture. One day, I swear, we’ll bring in a chain saw, a grinder, and a cutting torch, and that will be that, but for now, we still live with our ancient, flowery couch and other huge old pieces that are not physically possible to move. Alright, so we could probably pay people to do it, but we’re not in any hurry.

At first, I was worried Finn was just staying here for me. That eventually, he’d get tired of the farm and want to do something else—like want to move back to New York because it’s exciting and there’s always something going on, but he actually enjoyed the slower pace of life. He made the upstairs room our combined office, and what work he has to do for the family company, he still does in the mornings.

Finn’s parents finally patched things up, and I guess they’re living proof that even after decades, people can still come together and learn how to love. His mom is doing great, and his dad is in excellent health. They’ve been out to the farm every six months or so, and they stay for a couple of weeks. I thought they’d hate the place after coming from New York, so I was really surprised at how much they enjoyed themselves. Since my parents live in Topeka, we alternate going to their house for dinner and having them come out here. My grandparents, who I never really knew growing up because of the big old family feud, have made up for the lost time. They’re out here every other weekend and often drop by during the week just to say hello.

This past year, they’ve even started having dinner with my parents by having them over or going over to my mom and dad’s place. It was slow going at first for them to mend the really burned down bridge, but even burnt bridges can be rebuilt. Everyone came to our wedding seven months ago, and it was great—no fights and no awkward moments—just lots of love. Of course, we had it out at the sanctuary. I felt so blessed that day, but then again, it’s pretty much how I feel every single day too. So yeah, it’s official. I’m now Becki Batchbottom. I think it kind of has a really awesome ring to it.

Lots of amazing things have happened because of Finn and his grandfather’s wish for him to come out here to live, and for that, I’m so incredibly thankful. We love each other like only two kooky, really different people can—like effing crazy with a side of fuzzy bananas on top. We only fling poop at each other a few times a week. I’m kidding. No, we hardly fling poop at each other at all—maybe only once a month.

It’s been two years and three months since I first met Finn, and I have to say I’m so proud of how huge his heart is and how there really is always room for more. And more. And more. Even if it’s not at our sanctuary, he’s always willing to give his time, his ear, his talent, and his money to those who need it. He helped me find a way to bring our family—my parents and grandparents—back together. He was the inspiration behind me finally putting my education degree to good use through the talks and videos. He’s also shown me more of the world than I’d ever have been able to see. And he expanded our tiny little farm in such a way that we have met so many great people. He loves our animals, he loves this place, he loves my family, and he loves me. We both already love our daughter so much, and we can’t wait until she gets here to share this amazing life with us, poop flinging totally included.

The End.

Book 4


Rose Chapman


The feud between our parents has nothing on our hatred for each other.

The world will freeze over before I have anything to do with that A-Hole...