I make a noise against her lips at the new shape she’s just forced her body into. Dear lord, she’s flexible, and it’s going to kill me. Seriously. She’s perfectly fitted to me, and I haven’t even gone close to being inside her yet.

I lick down her throat, swirling my tongue into the little dip there. Then I lick back up her neck, all the way to her earlobe. She squirms under me, untwists her arms, and grabs my shoulders again. Her heels replace her hands on my bottom, and they press in, eagerly and insistently.

I suckle her earlobe with more desperation before I attack her mouth with a burning, furious passion. She attacks back. Her hips keep bumping into me, stroking me, rubbing up and down the length of my erection, and soaking me with her arousal. I groan against her lips as she rocks into me again. My dick is currently trying to bore a hole through her stomach, so I shift down, giving her what she wants. She bucks against me, and there’s no guidance needed. My cock head slides to her entrance, and I pause there, all too aware that this will probably be over too soon.

I close my eyes instead of looking at Becki’s perfect face while all along, our bodies touch in a perfect connection. I enter all her perfection slowly, as slowly as I can. God. Did I mention Becki is absolutely perfect? Her breasts heave against my chest, and her pelvis slams into mine as she rocks her hips to take me in deep before I’ve even thrust. She fits me perfectly, too, even though she’s so much smaller and so much tighter.

I try to distract myself from Becki’s wonderful cave of wonderfulness so that my Mr. Happy stays happy and keeps me happy and keeps Becki happy by not ending this in another half-second.

Becki digs her heels into my ass and rocks her tightness up against my throbbing length. This time, I plunge home, this time, I move, and this time, I start pumping with her. I realize things got all hot and heavy after like, three-point-eight seconds, but I can’t help myself. Mr. Happy wants to be happy, and he’s happy inside Becki, moving, thrusting, plunging deeper, and feeling her walls clench around me. My balls are pretty happy too, and they’re even happier when Becki starts shaking below me. I can feel her shaking inside too. Her walls tighten around me while I thrust harder.

I do have the presence of mind to change it up a bit, and when I do, Becki moans loudly.

“Yes, Finn, sweet, sweet bananas, yes. Oh my god. I’m going to…I’m…” She breaks off, gasps, and goes completely still. Inside, her walls squeeze the shit out of my dick as her climax hits her.

I really wish I could hold out and give her another amazing climax on the heels of that one, but no can do. I finish in one more hard stroke, releasing a perfectly masculine roar to make up for my slightly lackluster performance, though perhaps it’s not lackluster so much as just short. The pleasure rips through us both, and we stay that way, wrapped up together for a lot longer than it took us to get into this position to begin with.

“Oh my bananas,” Becki pants again. “I think I really, really like your banana best. Better than all the other bananas.”

“My banana thanks you then.” I kiss her thoroughly before I roll us both over, so she’s on top. My banana is still very hard, happy, and ready to go for another round.

I want Becki to be ready, though, so I wait for her. She’s a little surprised at first, but slowly, she starts rocking against me, getting my banana extra happy and extra banana-ish. Becki’s face is unlined and carefree, and she has her eyes closed in pleasure, all traces of her earlier tears gone. Whatever else is out there, pigs eating the garden, cows waiting to stick their spotted tongues into my ear, chickens to pet, other animals I haven’t even met yet, and all the problems Becki was telling me about, all of it just fades away for the moment, and it’s just us.

Just our bodies.

Maybe just our hearts too but thinking about it seems a little bit dangerous this soon in the game, so I tuck the thought away for a later that I hope comes sooner rather than, well, later.



I’m up early again. I guess I can’t help myself. I’m usually awake fifteen or twenty minutes before my alarm, but this is getting ridiculous. My circadian rhythm, or whatever the heck it’s called, is definitely off.

Finn is sleeping like a deadweight right beside me, and I wish I could sleep that deep. His jaw is slack on the pillow, his lips parted. With every deep breath in and every whistling breath out, his bottom lip vibrates a little, and I put a hand over my mouth to keep my laughter in as I watch. Still, he’s so gorgeous, even in the most undignified positions.