“Are you sure?” he asks huskily. “Because you don’t have to do this just because I offered—”

“Oh my bananas, don’t say things like that. I know that. I know you’d never ask for something like that because it’s nasty and wrong, and you’re always telling me I’m good, but you’re good too. You’re not nasty, and you’re not wrong. You might have too much money, you might live in New York when you’re not here, and you might be here just because you wanted to keep your grandfather’s company in one piece, but you’re still here, and despite all those other details, I happen to really like who you are. So if you’d just kiss me, I’d really appreciate it.”

Finn waits for me to finish, then he does. He bends his head, and Just. Kisses. Me.

And I really do appreciate it.



Becki lets me kiss her thoroughly before she pulls away. “I…I feel like you might be doing this out of pity.”

I kiss her again, lightly scraping my teeth over her bottom lip. She whimpers. “Trust me,” I rasp. “It’s not pity. There is zero pity in my cold, dark heart.”

She snorts and slugs me gently on the shoulder as I claim her lips again. My blood thunders, my cock stands at attention, and my balls bring the lightning as a full-on storm rages through me. Becki kisses me back like she might be experiencing her own storm too. When I break away, I cup her face, ready to dive in for more as soon as I have enough oxygen to restore the blood vessels and other bits that are near to bursting. We’re standing by the sink, and I happen to glance out the window facing the backyard.

“Holy shit, there’s a hairy pig in the garden.”

“Haha,” Becki says, unimpressed. “Is that supposed to be a metaphor for something? If it is, then it might be the most perverted thing I’ve ever heard. And, if you want to get out of kissing me, you just have to say so.”

“No,” I insist, pointing out the window. “Look.”

Becki turns and exclaims, “Fuzzy bananas! It’s Merry Hairy.”

“Merry Hairy? Let me guess. She or he was already named when you got him or her?”

“No.” Becki’s head moves from side to side as she chuckles. “I named her.”

“She really is eating the garden.”

“It looks that way. I have no idea how she got out. Just…just hold that thought for a minute.” She sets a hand on my chest. “Freeze. Don’t go anywhere.”

“I won’t. I’ll be right here, waiting for you to come back and finish this.”

Becki takes off, and I watch out the window as she tries to wrangle the massive, hairy gray pig out of the garden. Merry Hairy actually listens to Becki for the most part, and pretty soon, they’re running off, side by side, the pig following her like a massive, two hundred or so odd pound puppy. I’ve never seen a hairy pig before, and I have to admit the lady out there is kind of cute. Both ladies, actually.

I pace back and forth in the kitchen for a few minutes until Becki comes back into the house, puffing and out of breath.

“Okay,” she exclaims as she stops in front of me. Standing on tiptoes, she wraps her arms around my neck, and goosebumps break out over my arms. “Should we continue?”

In answer, I dip my head and claim her mouth. She groans, and pretty soon, we’re backing up across the kitchen, shedding layers of clothing as we go. Becki steers me down the hall, toward her room this time as we keep shedding clothing—her overalls, the shirt she has on below, my t-shirt, jeans, her panties, my boxers, her bra. One by one, we shed everything until we’re fully naked.

We hit the bed, which is much softer than mine because if we’d hit my bed at that speed and together, we would have rocketed clean off the other side like a bad trampoline accident or maybe even broken the bed entirely. This bed is also a lot bigger.

“My Great Aunt May had a waterbed in here before,” Becki pants against my mouth. “Unfortunately, it started leaking, and I had to get a new bed. And by new, I mean my parents paid for a used one off some site online. My mom got it for me. It’s pretty comfortable, though, don’t you think?”

“Yes,” I mutter as I lightly nibble her lower lip. She whimpers, and her pert breasts with her hardened nipples slam into my chest. “Yes, it’s quite comfortable.”

“What about the rest? The dressers are Great Aunt May’s.”

“I didn’t notice the dressers as I’m slightly preoccupied.”

Becki giggles and whispers in my ear, saying, “This time, you have full permission to finish inside. We’re good.”

I just about lose the opportunity right then and there, hearing her soft, seductive voice whispering those soft, seductive words. My balls throb, my dick turns to some kind of massively hard metal, and I go for Becki’s mouth again, kissing her with renewed passion. Becki’s hands tighten on my shoulders, and her hips bump up into mine. Her hands then stroke down my back, down my sides, and boldly cup my bottom. She shimmies down, wrapping her legs around my waist.