I grasp Becki’s hips a little tighter, and she bucks harder. I pulse hard inside her, pump my hips, and slam her up and down against me as she moans and writhes, scraping at my shoulder with her nails while she grips my hair with the other hand. She makes the sexiest sounds—breathless, breathy, and immensely melodious sounds.

“Oh god,” she cries. “Finn! Finnnnnn!!”

I don’t even have to talk dirty to encourage her. Becki explodes against me, crying out her pleasure, and the waves of her orgasm are relentless, hot, and instant. They hit my cock like a storm, raging all around it as her walls clench tightly around me. She rides it out, spasming, trembling, and riding me hard. I manage to hold out until she slows down, and I reach near the end of her climax before I pull out. My dick gets trapped between us, and I’m too far gone to stop. I come with a roar, riding out a storm of my own.

It takes a good long time for the thick, pleasure induced fog to roll off my brain. Holy. Shit. I’ve never come so hard that I felt like my teeth were going to fly out, denture style. I’ve also never come so hard that my knees shook, even sitting down. And I’ve certainly never come so hard that I felt it in my toes, fingers, chin, and even in my freaking eyebrows.

I’ve never felt anything close to this before. In my chest, either.

“Becki,” I rasp breathlessly, barely able to get her name out. I take a minute to gasp in some air before saying, “I…holy…wow. You were…that was…Holy. Crap. I…sorry. I didn’t know if…if it was alright to finish inside you.”

She doesn’t look down between us. Instead, she stares straight into my eyes and smiles at me. She’s no longer shy. Her shyness has been replaced, and she’s transformed into a dang vixen, where her smile is heated, confident, and gorgeous.

“I have been missing my bathtub, so this might be a good excuse to use it. I know you didn’t name that in your list of things you wanted to do, but I was wondering if you might be open to—”

“Yes!” I practically squeak in excitement and anticipation of trying something new with Becki.

“Okay. I’ll go fill it then.”

I can only stare after Becki as she climbs off me and walks out of the room totally naked without a backward glance. Holy. Crap. Again. The night is still young, and Becki is pouring a bath just down the hall. It only takes me a few seconds to will the bones back into my legs and jump off the bed to follow her.



Well, crapper dapper. How does one do a walk of shame out of their own room?

Finn is asleep in my bed. Yeah, I know. I just said that. Finn. Asleep. In my bed. It’s so early that the sun is barely peeking out of its gray nighttime blanket, and I realize two things as I slip from beneath the quilt. One, a bed is so much warmer with a second person in it. I woke up because I was overheating. Two, I’m completely naked. Okay, three, I’m pretty sore…in some spots. And also okay, four, Finn looks really sweet with his face all serene and his dark hair tousled all over the place.

I just really hope either I didn’t snore last night or Finn is a sound sleeper and didn’t hear me if I did because that would be even more humiliating than having him overhear me compare his butt to a pumpkin.

Oh my fuzzy bananas, his bottom is so much better than any pumpkin. All of him is so much better than any vegetable. He’s tastier, sweeter, and way harder.

Ugh. I need to get going. I can’t just stay in bed watching Finn sleep, even as much as I want to. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now, walk of shame to the shower not included. I guess I’ll shower, get dressed, and head out to the barn. Just because I finally got…um…well, some, doesn’t mean everyone won’t be hungry. Their world hasn’t changed out there, and my world hasn’t really changed either. I’m being totally silly to think of this as some monumental freaking occurrence.

I shower quickly, dress even faster in the clothes I dug out before I went into the bathroom, and head down into the kitchen to grab a banana—a non-fuzzy one because I don’t eat fuzzy bananas. I’ve never actually seen a fuzzy banana before, and I guess that’s what makes my go-to curse word so horrifying. Just imagine a fuzzy banana. It’s scary, am I right? I think it would be blue—blue with green fuzz.

I grin absurdly to myself as I walk out the door and head to the barn. The shower eased my sore muscles, but every step I take sends a twinge up my legs. I guess I didn’t just get some last night. I got some and then some.