I pass up the opportunity to comment on that. “What are you going to do? Send me cupcakes loaded with explosives? Sprinkle laxative into the icing of your doughnuts and send them to my office?”

“Uhhh, no. I’ll just hire someone to release thousands of salamanders into your house. Then your office. Then your car.”

I can feel all the blood draining away from my head. Seriously. I can tell it’s doing so because my feet feel funny, as if they have too much blood, and my head feels worse—light and floaty with black spots and dizziness.

“That should do for you. If you have a heart attack on the spot, I’ll become the sole owner of the bakery,” Stella continues.

“Not if I leave my share to someone else.”

At this, Stella’s expression turns thunderous. “Oh! Just try it. Just freaking try it, Haladon.”

No one ever says my full name. Not even Stella. Not many people could say it the way she does. She rolls it off her tongue like it’s a chocolate-coated strawberry she enjoys the taste of, but also like someone baked her a chocolate cake and filled the inside with something nasty, like crap. This is, by the way, the kind of cake I imagine she’s just dying to bake for me.

“You know, I’ve been doing some thinking about wizards. They’re pretty cool, but you’re not the cool kind. I would make a much better wizard than you. We could settle this with a magic duel. Battle it out. Good versus evil.”

“Which one of us is the good one in this scenario?”

Stella doesn’t crack. That ultra-annoyed, super angry, I’m going to find salamanders and threaten you with them look still stays on her face. “Nice try. Now, I’m glad we had this conversation, so we won’t ever have to have it again. Can you please leave?”

“But we didn’t solve anything.”

“Yes, we did. You’re not going to meddle in my business, and one day, when I have the money, I’ll buy you out. No changes, no bars on the windows, no mucking with my shop, and no mucking with my life. You are not my business partner. In fact, you are nothing more than a silent investor. That’s it. If you try to come around here, you know I’ll make good on my threats.”

I laugh, but it’s not as certain as I’d like it to sound.

“Okay, you can leave now. Byeeeeee,” Stella says as she waves at me, picks up her bag, and walks right out the front door.

She locks it up right after, and I know she knows I’m smart enough to use the back door, which must lock automatically. I also realize she doesn’t have an alarm system in here—yet another thing I have to fix.

My god, the list is getting long.

Also, my god, I think I’m looking forward to checking off some of those items.



One thing I’m definitely not in the mood for? Anything to do with Haladon Walker. Apparently, though, that’s what I’m stuck with now, compliments of my shit of an older brother, which is why I’m currently walking into his workplace, a huge box of cupcakes in hand. I stop at the sprawling reception desk and smile demurely at the guy sitting behind it. He’s not the typical secretary since he’s middle-aged, bald, and squat, but he has a nice smile in response to mine.

“Hi,” I say in my sweetest voice. “I was wondering if you could deliver this to Sam Winters’ colleagues? It’s from his sister. Me. I own a bakery, and I just wanted to show my appreciation for my brother and all he does. There are four dozen in there. Probably enough to share around with more than just his department.” I wink at him as I set the box down. “Maybe have one for yourself.”

The guy—Kevin, I realize, as I find the metal plaque on the desk with my eyes—seems entirely delighted. “Sure will. Thank you.” He’s too polite to lift the lid and help himself in my company, but as soon as I walk off and exit through the double glass doors, I know he probably will.

I climb into my car with a big smile on my face. What’s not to love about a wonderful spring day in Bellevue? The sun is out in a cloudless sky, and its warmth is already working spring miracles around the city. I’m sure the trees will have leaves before too long if the nice weather keeps up, and everything will go back to being green. Summer is my absolute favorite, even though it’s a lot of work for us because of all the graduation and wedding orders. Also, people like to have their family picnics catered to now. Plus, there are the usual amount of birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions to keep us constantly busy.