The camera panned across what looked like a typical amusement park until you took in what was happening in the background. When the broadcast ended, the television changed inputs and a message appeared.

The windows are covered, the door is armed. Obscurity is tonight’s specialty, but for now you’ll be safe until the timer rests at zero.

This message remained for only a few seconds before it disappeared, and a timer of three hours and ten minutes appeared.

“What does that mean?” Dion asked.

“It means we have three hours and ten minutes to get our shit together,” Mel replied, turning towards the kitchen.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Grace announced, heading in the opposite direction, still carrying her prized machete.

Our tagalong sat down on the couch, leaving me and Dion the only two left standing around.

“Are we safe?” he asked.

I choked on a laugh. “We’re never safe, D. You might as well take a minute for yourself, though.”

He nodded wordlessly and went to join Mel in the kitchen. I placed my hands on my hips and surveyed the apartment again. There was a door off the living area no one seemed too interested in.

I walked towards it, casting a glance at the guy who had managed to join our group. No one seemed interested in knowing his name. He had his head back and eyes closed, taking full advantage of this intermission.

I was only a little curious about him. I had the usual questions someone would have. How long had he been here and what was he doing at the Sanitorium? He and his short-lived companion had known exactly how to exit the building. I wasn’t going to waste my time asking him anything, though. Questions led to more questions that always came with virtually no answers.

I entered the sole bedroom of the apartment, taking a second to take in the décor. It was all jewel tones, giving off a feel of masculinity. A king-sized bed with matching end tables and lamps, an armor, and a large dresser were all inside. The lengths that had been gone to for this place would never cease to amaze me.

I could guarantee every unit in this building was furnished as if someone was actually going to be living here. Seeing the bathroom solidified my theory. It too was well stocked and decorated to match the overlying theme. I nudged the door shut with my boot, leaving a bloodied mark on the pristinely white wood.

As I turned, it was impossible to avoid the mirror above the double sinks. Obviously, I knew I wouldn’t be looking the best, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t caught off guard at what I saw. It was the sordid truth staring back at me, that really made everything sink in.

I had scratches and bruises marring my skin, not allowing me to forget anything from the past twenty-four hours. Blood and grime covered my face.

My hands.

My clothes.

I twisted the knob on the back of the sink, not stopping until the water was as hot as it could be. I pumped some soap onto my hands and began to scrub at my skin, focusing on the scratches, paying little mind to the burning sensation. The porcelain basin became tainted a dull red and faint brown, swirling in a mix of berry scented suds down the drain.

As my normally tanned skin reddened, something prickled at the back of my mind. I had this growing sensation, telling me I needed to remember what I’d somehow forgotten. But how did I do that when I had no idea what it was to begin with? I was convinced by now this memory had been hidden by my conscious and none of this started until I got to Goetia.

I splashed more water on my face, rubbing in a circular pattern to remove some of the filth.

Keeping my eyes closed, I reached for the plush hand towel hanging on a hook and used it to dry off. When I saw the mirror again, I stiffened.

What is it you fear most?

I used the towel to swipe at the condensation, but the message remained. I swallowed and looked around the room. Were there cameras in here too? Seriously?

How fitting to put it on the mirror when the person in the glass was what I feared more than anything else. Whoever was responsible for this deserved a shit ton of accolades. Whatever their real goal was, who knows, but they’d successfully turned me back into someone I had been running from.

They made a demon out of me.

A fucking Freakshow.

I tossed the towel down and took a seat on the lid of the toilet, bracing my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed before the vibrations started. At first, I thought I’d officially lost my damn mind. But the vibrating was consistent. Once it stopped, it started right back up again.