“I’ll consider everything,” Odran said and turned to Finch to issue orders.

Elysia’s stomach didn’t stop churning, the odors growing stronger and stinging her nostrils. Her churning stomach worsened and the room seemed to close in around her. The unease suddenly rose up as if to consume her and at that moment she realized she was about to faint.

“Odran!” she called out with what strength she had.

He turned and rushed to her, his arm snatching her up before she hit the floor. His heart slammed into his chest as he hurried her out of the cottage and sat on a bench, keeping his wife tucked in his lap.

Lendra suddenly appeared in front of him, a wet cloth in her hand.

Odran took it and wiped his wife’s face repeatedly with it. “Elysia! Wake up, Elysia!”

Finch chased people who had begun to gather, worried whispers circulating fast at seeing a lifeless Lady Elysia in Lord Odran’s arms.

Elysia stirred, a faint moan falling from her lips before her eyes slowly opened. She smiled softly, seeing her husband. “Odran.”

“You frightened me half to death,” Odran scolded.

“The odor overcame me,” she said, though wondered if it had been the bairn, since she had never fainted at odors before this.

“I never should have al—”

“Nonsense,” she said, trying to sit up, but his strong arms kept her as she was. “It was a mere faint nothing more.”

A few people who lingered at a distance saw her move and whispers started again though this time they were spread with smiles.

Elysia pressed her finger to her husband’s lips when he went to speak. “I am not going to rest. I don’t need to rest. I am going with you to speak with Bram.”

This time when she shifted to sit up, he let her, though kept her in his lap.

“Don’t bother to argue with me,” she cautioned when he went to speak again. “Something is not right here and we must figure it out together.” She held up her hand to once again prevent him from speaking. “And you never know, I might faint again and I would rather have you there to catch me.”

Odran couldn’t argue with that. He wouldn’t want anyone catching his wife but himself. “You will tell me if you do not feel well.”

It wasn’t a request but she confirmed anyway. “Immediately.”

Odran took his wife’s hand once they were both on their feet.

Lendra stood off to the side, wringing her hands in worry.

“A moment, Odran,” she said with a nod to Lendra.

He released her hand and went to speak with Finch.

“You have to help Bram, Elysia, you must,” Lendra pleaded frantically. “You know he couldn’t have done this.”

“I agree and I will do everything I can to make sure Bram does not suffer for this,” Elysia assured Lendra. “But I must ask you. Has Bram been poking Glenis?”

Lendra’s shoulders sagged and she looked away for a moment, then nodded.

Elysia continued with questions. “How long?”

“Almost since we got here,” Lendra admitted reluctantly. “And since you probably wonder, he has paid me no mind since we arrived here. It was as if he’d been presented with a fresh feast of women to enjoy. He had no time for me at all.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Lendra,” Elysia said, her heart aching for her friend.

“Still, I don’t want to see him suffer for something he didn’t do,” Lendra said.

Elysia’s hand flew to her stomach as a wave of nausea hit her.

“What’s wrong?” Lendra asked concerned, seeing Elysia pale.

“I’m not feeling well,” she said, a sudden worry for the bairn frightening her.

“That was no scene for you to look upon. You should go rest,” Lendra urged.

Her stomach roiled even worse and she reached out to grab Lendra’s arm.

“Lord Odran!” Lendra wisely shouted.

It took few steps for Odran to reach his wife.

“I’m not feeling well. I think I need to rest,” she said, reaching for his arm.

He lifted her gently into his arms and hurried to the keep with her, Lendra following behind her.

Dorrit rushed toward them, but he didn’t bother to explain, though Lendra did as both women followed him up the stairs to his bedchamber.

“Sit me up, please,” Elysia said when her husband went to place her on the bed and he did as she asked, bracing pillows behind her back.

He removed her shoes and tucked the blanket up around her waist and once again admonished himself for letting her look upon the gruesome scene. “I should have never allowed you in that cottage.”

Elysia didn’t believe what she saw had anything to do with her uneasy stomach. She believed the bairn was finally making himself known, but she couldn’t let her husband know that. And she didn’t want to lie to him, so she said, “Perhaps, but I’m sure a brief rest will see me fine.”

Odran reached down to brush a few strands of hair off her face, his own stomach churning with worry for her. “You will stay abed for the rest of the day.”