Fergus ignored his silent query. “Tell us what news you bring.”

“Lord Rannick sent word that more clans join with those who wish to see his son, Lord Rannick, Lord Brogan, and Lord Odran dead so that they never father any bairns and the curse will finally die and allow them to live in peace. He worries that surrounding clans will unite and see the deed done. He urges that Lord Odran get his wife with child and he has made it clear to Lady Bliss that she is obligated to get with child right away or suffer the consequences.”

“You failed to tell my wife that,” Odran said.

“Forgive me, my lord, but I thought it best she did not know that, for I’m sure she worries enough over her sister without hearing such troubling news,” Cadell said.

For some reason Cadell didn’t strike him as a thoughtful man, but then he had a hefty chore to watch over Brogan, since Brogan never made it an easy task.

“Perhaps the clans are right,” Lord Fergus said. “Perhaps it is time for the curse to die.”

Cadell drew his head back in shock. “You cannot be serious, Lord Fergus. With all the three clans have suffered through the years, in the end to surrender to the curse is unthinkable. Lawler has made it clear to me that surrender is not something Lord Lochlann would even consider. And he has suffered more greatly than you and Lord Balloch. He will not let the Clan MacClaren die.”

“He may not have a choice if Lord Rannick refuses to father a child,” Odran said, thinking on his talks with Rannick and Brogan through the years, especially Rannick. Losing his first wife had been difficult for Rannick, having blamed himself for allowing his father to talk him into marriage. His second wife’s death was worse and the loss of his third wife, a lovely innocent lass Rannick had barely known, completely destroyed him.

“Lord Lochlann has faith in Bliss and with her being a healer he believes she has a far better chance of seeing the task done and getting with child,” Cadell said.

“Lord Lochlann can do as he sees fit, but my decision has been made,” Lord Fergus said. “There will be no future MacBridan. The clan ends with Odran. I will not inflict such suffering on future heirs. And I’ll hear no more on it.” He pointed to Finch. “Make Lord Lochlann aware that Finch is now chieftain of the Clan MacFarden. Chieftain Cowan met an unfortunate death while visiting here. He fell down the keep steps and broke his neck.”

Cadell stared at him, speechless.

Lord Fergus offered a brief explanation. “With Crissa carrying Finch’s bairn and being Cowan’s eldest daughter, it is only right that Finch be made chieftain.”

“I’m sure Lord Lochlann will be pleased with the news since the Clan MacFarden will be strongly loyal to the Clan MacBridan,” Cadell said, recovering from the shocking revelation.

Odran had been half listening to his da talk and half watching a string of servants run through the Great Hall and up the stairs. He didn’t think anything of it at first, but when he spotted the buckets of water being carried, he grew alarmed.

He stood. “Too many servants run about. Something is amiss.” With that he headed to the stairs. Finch followed quickly behind him.

Cadell looked about to jump up and join the two men.

“Tell me what else Lord Lochlann has to say,” Lord Fergus said, keeping the man in his seat confident his son could handle whatever was amiss.

Odran followed the servant that had headed up the stairs and was relieved it wasn’t his mum’s bedchamber the lass went to. He felt for Finch as soon as he stopped in the open doorway and spotted the bloody bedding on the floor.

Crissa sat in bed, the bedding freshly changed as well as her garment, with tears rolling down her cheeks. His wife spoke softly to her as she braided her hair with gentle care.

Finch hurried around Odran. “Crissa?”

Crissa burst into tears and threw her arms out to Finch. “I lost our bairn.”

Elysia stepped away from the bed, making room for Finch as he hurried to Crissa and took her into his arms.

Odran saw the tears that pooled in his wife’s eyes and how her hand went to rest at her stomach. He stared at her hand a moment, then looked to the bloody sheets on the floor, then his glance returned to his wife and how her hand protectively rested on her stomach.

How long had it been since she had her last monthly bleed? They made love almost daily since their arrival here. He looked to the sheets again. She hadn’t bled. Was it possible? Could she be with child? But she was taking the brew. Or was she? She had never answered him when he had asked her. Had she purposely stopped taking it? She wouldn’t do that. She knew too well how he felt about fathering a bairn.