Cadell respectfully bobbed his head. “Forgive me, my lady.”

“Do you know anything about how Annis does?” Elysia asked, anxious to learn anything she could about her sister.

“Only that she leads Brogan on a senseless quest and since he feels responsible for her, he refuses to leave her side. He ordered me home and when I return there his father will order me after him again. It is an endless cycle of uselessness.”

“And Bliss? Have you heard any word on Bliss?” Elysia asked, hopeful for the smallest word.

Cadell seemed reluctant to respond.

Lord Fergus was the one to say, “Speak up, Cadell, and tell Lady Elysia what you know.”

He followed the order with hesitancy, not at all in agreement with it. “I heard that Lord Rannick is not at all pleased with his new wife and is making things difficult for her.”

Elysia was quick to ask, “How so?”

“That I couldn’t say since such word has been heard throughout the village and not supported by anything other than wagging tongues,” Cadell said.

Elysia didn’t believe him for one minute. He was well aware of what was going on, though felt she shouldn’t be granted the same privilege. She doubted any amount of prodding would help and reluctantly she let it be. Of course, it helped knowing Bram would send honest words to her about Bliss.

“I have news for you, Lord Fergus and Lord Odran,” Cadell said, turning his attention to the two men.

That he made it clear that he would speak to only the two men, Elysia went to excuse herself, but her husband’s commanding words stopped her.

“The news will wait until my wife is finished with her questions for you.”

“Of course, my lord. It’s just that little information is available,” Cadell explained and gave a brief nod to Odran. “You are aware yourself that shortly after Lord Rannick was returned home from foreign shores, he was moved to a cottage a distance from the village and the keep to assuage the fear of the clan. Lady Bliss was left there to contend with him and last I heard, no one has seen or heard from her since.”

Elysia was grateful for her husband’s arm that coiled around her waist and helped support her trembling legs. Dreadful thoughts of what may have happened to her sister raced through her head.

“That is all the information I know or have heard,” Cadell said.

“I am grateful for any news of my sister Bliss,” Elysia said, the strength returning to her legs. A visit to Bliss to see her sister for herself was needed and once the situation with Lendra was solved and settled, she would insist her husband take her. Or she would make the trip alone. “I will leave you men to talk, while I see to how Crissa does.”

“I thought I saw some of Lord Cowan’s men. Has amends been made between the MacBridan and MacFarden, through marriage perhaps?” Cadell asked. “Lord Balloch and Lord Lochlann will be pleased to hear such good news with the unrest that has gone on lately.”

“We will discuss that after you deliver the news you have brought to us,” Lord Fergus said.

Elysia gave her husband’s arm a squeeze and turned a smile on him before she hurried off, leaving him to talk. She intended to see how Crissa was doing, then Lady Margaret and fetch her sewing basket while there and hopefully her husband would be finished with Cadell by then and they could speak with Stiles. She also hoped the rain turned to a trickle so she could make sure Lendra was safe in her cottage.

She tapped on the door, but received no answer. Worried that Crissa might not be doing well, she eased the door open. A chill hit her and she saw that the fire had dwindled down in the hearth. She had to make her way carefully over to the fireplace since the only light came from the dying embers. She bumped her leg twice, on what she wasn’t sure, before reaching the hearth. She threw some kindling in and the embers sparked it to life. She quickly added logs and more kindling and soon she had a roaring fire going. The room would be bathed in warmth in no time.

“Lady Elysia.”

Elysia turned to the voice weak with sleep and her eyes popped wide with shock. She hurried to Crissa’s outstretched hand covered with blood. She threw back the thick blanket and the blanket and bedding beneath were drenched with blood.

“Our bairn. Our bairn. I’ve lost our bairn,” Crissa cried.

Elysia was grateful that a servant lass appeared in the open doorway with a bucket of water, fresh ones left outside the door of each bedchamber throughout the day.

“Hurry and fetch Dorrit,” Elysia ordered and the lass deposited the bucket by the door and ran off.

Cadell looked questionably to Lord Fergus when Finch entered the Great Hall and Fergus bid him to join them.