“I understand that, since I saw it for myself. We will work on finding the truth together,” he said and snatched the towel out of her hand to wrap it around her and ease her up against him. “Why is it I can never get enough of you?”

She loved the feel of his naked body pressed against hers, loved that his stiff shaft poked at her, letting her know how much he wanted her. “We can never get enough of each other.”

He dropped the towel, all thoughts to dry themselves abandoned, and his hands went to her waist to lift her, their lips connected in a heated kiss as her legs locked tight around his waist. It was a quick, needy joining that had come on suddenly, a need to reaffirm that nothing stood in the way of their love.

She tore her mouth away from his. “I can’t wait.”

He rushed her to the bed. “Either can I.”

It was a quick and explosive climax for them both as they attempted to stifle their roars of pleasure, fearful they would echo throughout the keep.

Elysia rested her head on her husband’s shoulder, spent yet strangely invigorated with the pleasurable satisfaction that settled in her.

Odran’s labored breath didn’t stop him from whispering near her ear, “I love you with all my heart, Elysia.”

His warm breath sent a tickle through her that caused her body to shudder and briefly delayed her response. “Not as much as I love you.”

He chuckled. “I would not take a wager on that, wife.”

They lingered for a bit, not in a hurry to part, then reluctantly dried what rainwater remained on them and got dressed.

“I would prefer to spend the rest of the day in bed with you and pleasure you often, but there is too much that needs our attention,” Odran said.

“That is a tempting and teasing thought that we can see fulfilled another day,” she said, storing the idea away for a day not far in the future. “I thought to speak with Stiles and hear for myself what Deara said to him.”

“I will finish with my da, then I’ll have Stiles brought to the keep and we can speak with him together,” Odran said. “I’ll not have you getting soaked again. You will remain in the keep.”

“Is that an order, my lord?” she asked half-jestingly.

He countered with a half-jesting question of his own. “Is it necessary I make it one?”

A servant called out before a knock sounded at their door, leaving no time for Elysia to respond.

“My lord, a visitor has arrived and Lord Fergus bids you to hurry.”

Odran looked to his wife. “I know you are anxious about Lendra, but do not let your worry blind you. I worry you will do something foolish and I will be too late to keep you safe.” He turned and went to the door, swinging it open. “Who has arrived?”

“Cadell, my lord,” the servant said.

Elysia heard the servant’s reply as if she stood in the distance, her mind on her husband’s remark. She had to remember that the curse haunted him and made him worry endlessly about her. He was burdened enough. She did not need to add to that burden.

“Tell my father I will be right there,” Odran said and the man turned and hurried to the steps.

Elysia was prepared when her husband turned to face her. “I will not make you worry needlessly, husband.” His handsome smile displayed his gratitude. “I do, however, have a request of you.”

“You want to ask Cadell if he knows anything about Bliss before my da and I talk with him, since the warriors have yet to return from delivering Bram to Clan MacClaren with a reply to your message to your sister.” He stretched his hand out to her.

Elysia hurried to take it. “You do know me well, Odran.”

He kissed her quick. “That knowledge will only grow stronger with all the years ahead we have with each other.” He took her hand and ushered her out the door, praying his words would ring true.

They entered the Great Hall to find Cadell seated at a table close to the hearth, his wet garments in dire need of drying. Food and drink had been placed in front of him and Lord Fergus sat opposite him, a tankard in his hand.

“What brings you here, Cadell?” Odran asked when he and Elysia reached the table.

“On my way to Clan MacRae with word for Lord Balloch about Brogan.” Cadell gave a nod to Elysia. “He followed after that fool sister of yours and she has gotten him into endless trouble.”

“Annis has not been harmed, has she?” Elysia asked.

“Did you not hear me say she has gotten Lord Brogan in trouble?” Cadell asked, annoyed.

“Watch your tone with my wife?” Odran warned with a spark of anger in his voice and eyes that had Cadell hastily apologizing.