“Does he, Lendra? Or is it you who needs him?” Odran asked, though expected no answer. “Either way, you’re not going with him. This is Bram’s punishment and he will serve it alone.”

Lendra looked to Elysia, her eyes begging her to do something.

“Lord Odran is right, Lendra. You cannot go with him. You must remain here,” Elysia said, her heart heavy for her friend.

Lendra’s eyes filled instantly with tears. “But I love him.”

“But he doesn’t love you,” Odran said bluntly. “Bram loves no one but himself.”

Lendra’s chin went up and tears began to spill from her eyes. “I have enough love for the both of us.”

“A love that will turn bitter with neglect and time. Let him go and free yourself, Lendra,” Odran said.

Her lower lip trembled and she stumbled her response. “I-I can-cannot li-ve without him.”

“Let’s see about that,” Odran said. “If at the end of six months’ time you still feel the same, I will send you to him.”

Her eyes brightened, though tears still swam in them. “Truly?”

“You have my word. Serve Lady Elysia well and six months to this day if you still want to be with Bram, I will see you escorted safely to him.”

“Thank you, my lord,” Lendra said with a bob of her head and turned a hurried glance at Elysia. “Is there anything I can do for you, my lady?”

“Aye,” Odran responded. “You can see food brought to us and then see that we are not disturbed for the rest of the night.”

Lendra bobbed her head again. “As you say, my lord.”

“Thank you for that,” Elysia said, falling into her husband’s arms as soon as the door closed.

“I only hope she realizes the foolishness of wasting her time on someone who doesn’t love her,” Odran said, tucking his wife close.

“I was foolish like her once, thinking someone cared for me and having him reject my marriage proposal.” She couldn’t keep the chuckle from her voice.

“You knew full well I cared for you as much as I knew you cared for me. I purposely dirtied the bandage on my finger so I had an excuse to return to you for a clean one.”

Elysia laughed. “Truly? You did that?”

“I did and I was thrilled when you offered to tend my throat problem, since I knew the dirty bandage wasn’t an excuse that would last long and I didn’t fancy giving myself another splinter.”

Elysia’s eyes shot open wide. “You purposely gave yourself a splinter so you could seek my help?”

“I will only confess so much.” He chuckled and gave her a quick kiss.

“Wait,” Elysia said, a thought hitting her. “That would mean you made sure Bliss was not around when you sought healing for your finger.”

“Again, I will only confess so much.” He stole another kiss.

Her eyes turned wistful, and she smiled softly. “You loved me from the very first glance.”

“And I will continue to love you far beyond our last glance on this earth. On that you have my word, wife.” He kissed her again but this time not quick.

This time he didn’t swear silently when a knock sounded at the door. “Bloody hell, who now disturbs me.”

Elysia poked him in the stomach. “You requested the food and I’m glad you did. I’m famished.”

“Eat well, wife,” he warned playfully. “You’re going to need your strength tonight.”

Elysia yawned and watched with amusement as her husband’s head bobbed with sleep only to lift up suddenly and force his eyes to spread wide. He was exhausted and sore from the fall on the steps, having taken the brunt of it, grimacing now and again as he shifted in the chair.

While her mind had been on making love with her husband earlier, and partly throughout the meal, full stomachs, the heat of the fire, and a peaceful quiet after a troubling day all managed to loll them both to sleep.

She stood and went to her husband, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Bedtime.”

His head shot up and his eyes sprang open. “Aye. Aye, what I’ve been waiting for none too patiently, wife,” he said, resting his hand over hers.

“Hurry to bed and I will join you there as soon as I see to some personal things,” she said.

He stood, swayed a moment, and headed straight for the bed. “Don’t be long—” A yawn cut off whatever was meant to follow.

Elysia smiled and admired her husband’s body as he stripped off his garments, his fine form and muscles enticing as ever, though it had been his tenderness with her that had won her heart and the memory of that time with him now tempting her passion. She thought to strip off her own garments and go to him, but when she saw that he was not the slightest aroused, she stopped herself. He was exhausted and needed sleep.

She turned away, forcing her thoughts elsewhere, anywhere but on her husband naked in bed. It was only a few moments later that she heard the first light snore and smiled. It had taken less time than she had thought for him to fall asleep. She waited a while longer, her own eyes growing heavy with sleep, and after his snoring remained light and steady she went to the bed and climbed in beside him. Sleep was a bit more difficult for her since passion poked at her letting her know her need was far greater than she had thought. A throbbing ache settled in her nether region and no amount of trying to ignore it, to force her thoughts on something else helped. Her husband’s warm body didn’t help either. She stuck her hands beneath her backside to stop from touching him and disturbing his peaceful sleep.