Odran turned to his da as he came to stand beside him.

“She is up and out of bed and looking better than she has in years. She’s even stitching again, but I think that’s because your wife shares her stitching time with her.”

“It helps Elysia as well. She misses her sisters and Mum helps fill that void of family. She truly looks forward to the time she spends with her.”

“Elysia is a kind and generous woman,” his da said with a lingering nod.

Odran said what his da hesitated to say. “The kind of person the curse would love to claim.”

His da’s nod continued to linger. “It has been quiet since your return, the defeated clans silent, and no attempt on your life. While the calm is nice, we both know something lurks and will soon raise its evil head. It’s inevitable. I am just relieved you wisely decided to spare an innocent child endless suffering and father no bairns.”

“What choice have I? We both agreed this suffering cannot continue.”

“It hurts my heart that I have failed this clan, that it will come to an end, our name forever besmirched, buried, forgotten to history,” his da said regretfully.

Odran gave his da’s shoulder a squeeze. “We do the right thing.”

“Lady Elysia!”

The two men turned at the frantic shout.

Elysia turned as well and Dorrit stepped forward toward the woman who rushed at them. Strands of her dark hair with touches of gray fell loose from her braid and worry marred her pretty face.

“What’s wrong, Edana? Is it Walda?” Dorrit asked anxiously.

Edana grabbed Dorrit’s arm, needing to lean on someone. “Aye. She has gone into labor and Glenis holds no hope for the bairn with Walda having lost the last three bairns at birth. She has left the delivery to the women, but no one will help. They fear the curse will strike them if they do.”

Elysia stepped forward. “Walda has lost three bairns upon delivery?”

“Aye, not one of them took a breath. Walda fears the same for this one and I don’t know what to do to help her. There is talk you have helped Lady Margaret heal. Please, Lady Elysia, will you help my daughter?” Edana pleaded.

“I will do my best to help her, but I cannot promise things will be different,” Elysia said, hoping otherwise. She had helped birth many bairns with Bliss. She only hoped she had gained enough knowledge to see this bairn born safely.

“Bless you, Lady Elysia. Bless you,” Edana said, tears rimming her eyes.

“Dorrit, please fetch Lendra and have her bring my healing pouch,” Elysia said and the woman nodded and went to see it done. She turned to Edana. “A moment while I speak with my husband.”

Edana bobbed her head but did not chance a glance at Lord Odran.

Elysia lifted the hem of her garment to take quick steps to her husband. She had been provided with two linen shifts and two soft wool tunics, stockings as well, but those she rarely wore, finding them far too uncomfortable. She had had to make some adjustments to the garments for them to fit, but she had shared that stitching time with Lady Margaret and had found it quite enjoyable.

She stretched her hand out as she approached her husband and he stepped forward taking hold of it. “I must go and try and help Walda deliver her bairn.”

“She has lost three to the curse,” Lord Fergus said, shaking his head. “Now there’ll be another.”

That the man surrendered to the curse so easily annoyed Elysia. “Not if I can help it.”

“Don’t give hope where there is none,” Lord Fergus warned.

“I believe hope is there for all who seek it,” Elysia said and stepped close to reach up to kiss her husband’s cheek.

Odran lowered his head and caught her lips with a quick kiss. “I have faith in you, wife.”

Elysia smiled, his confidence in her touching her heart. She hurried off with Edana.

“You shouldn’t encourage her,” his da cautioned.

“I don’t need to. Her kindness and courage are boundless and infectious as well. I hope both spread.”

“You’re asking for a miracle, son,” his da cautioned again.

Odran watched his wife keep quick steps alongside Edana. “I got my miracle, Da, when a wee woman popped behind me to shield herself and I will spend the rest of my days making sure I keep her safe.”

Elysia entered the cottage to find Walda rubbing her large stomach and groaning in pain while an older woman waved a blackthorn stick over her in an attempt to ward off evil.

Not all women had first agreed with the way Bliss approached childbirth, though after so many bairns were born safely and so many mothers survived childbirth, there hadn’t been a single woman in Clan Loudon who would give birth without Bliss’s help. Bliss had helped birth bairns since an early age and the many experiences had led her to find ways that would benefit both mother and bairn during and after delivery. She had taught Elysia so that she would be prepared to help her sisters when the time came. And that time would come sooner for Elysia than she had expected.