“I never meant—”

She didn’t let him finish. “I know. I didn’t feel it. I was too busy enjoying your kiss.”

“I should kiss you again—delicately this time.” He dropped the cloth in the bucket.

Elysia tingled with anticipation, eager to feel his lips on hers again. But his lips didn’t touch hers. His lips kissed her brow, then her cheek, and drifted down to kiss her chin, ever so faintly. Her eyes fluttered closed as his lips moved along her neck, his faint touch tickling her and sending a shudder through her, then firing a strong spark to her nether regions.

His lips traced feather-like kisses along her shoulder and down her arm with intent slowness, turning her skin to gooseflesh. His lips traveled back up her arm to move over to her breast. She waited for her nipple to disappear into his mouth, but instead his tongue slipped out to tease the hard bud. Her body arched of its own accord and he splayed his hand on her stomach to ease it down, holding it there while his lips lavished her with pleasure. His lips replaced his hand on her stomach, raining the most delicate kisses over it.

If he intended to drive her mad, he was doing an excellent job of it. She would not last if he kept it up, her passion mounting at a rapid pace with every faint kiss.

“Odran,” she said, her breath a bit unsteady.

He raised his head. “Every part of you is beautiful and delectable. I cannot get enough of you.”

When his mouth disappeared into her triangle of hair, she almost bolted off the bed. Passion soon devoured her whole and she knew she wouldn’t last long and didn’t want to.

“Odran!” Her voice demanded. She wanted him inside her and thankfully he understood. His strong hands latched onto her waist and lifted her. She understood his intention quickly, seeing him kneeling on the bed, his backside resting on his folded legs, and his shaft protruding hard and proud.

She spread her legs as he brought her to fit against him, his hands remaining firm at her waist, keeping her aloft until he positioned her over his thick manhood. then he lowered her onto it.

“Oh!” she cried out as she felt him slip slowly into her and when he was fitted snugly inside her, she wrapped her legs snug around him and balanced herself with her hands on his shoulders.

His hands went to rest beneath her backside and he took control of the rhythm. All she had to do was join in, and she did. He moved them together in a tempered pace that didn’t last long since she urged him to go faster.

“I’ll hurt you,” he argued, “and stop biting your lip, you’re making it bleed.”

“Then go faster,” she demanded and cried out when she suddenly found herself on her back, him pumping into her with a force that rocked her body, and her grin matched her glee.

It wasn’t long before her passion burst in exquisite pleasure rocking her body as hard as her husband had rocked her. He was close in doing the same himself and she continued to match his frantic pace knowing… another wave of passion struck her hard as her husband shuddered against her, his groan of pleasure joining her cries at the same time and both bouncing off the walls of the bedchamber.

He collapsed on top of her and she hugged him and kissed his cheek before whispering. “That was exceptional.”

He chuckled and rolled off her, his arm snagging her waist to tuck her against his side. “I’m glad I pleased you, wife.”

“You always please me,” she said, snuggling against him.

He held her firm as he stretched his other arm out to reach for the cloth in the bucket and rinse it. He brought the cloth to her mouth and wiped the blood from her chin before dabbing the wound.

“You made it worse,” he said, seeing the angry swelling that hadn’t been there before.

She winced as he dabbed at her lip. “It was worth it.” She saw the regret and sorrow in his eyes for being the cause of it. “I do not suffer over this, therefore, I demand you do not suffer as well.”

“Demand?” he said, his eyes narrowing, though his smile showed he teased.

She poked him in the side. “Aye, I demand you stay as happy as I am.”

His smile faded and he dabbed her wound with the cloth again. “As long as you’re with me, I’m happy and content.”

“I feel the same. As long as I am with you, I am happy and content, which means we are going to have a very happy life together,” she said, as if predicting the future for them.

Odran smiled, wishing it was so, wishing they could have bairns, raise a family, have the keep know love and laughter once again.