A wild rage swirled in him and somewhere deep inside him, where sanity still existed, a small voice warned him to release her—it wasn’t strong enough.

His lips came down on hers in a crushing kiss, the kind that was meant to brand, to leave an imprint that would forever linger there, would forever remind her that she belonged to him. She responded with the same forceful passion as if she too branded him. It shot straight to his shaft and hardened it with a potent need.

He pulled his mouth away, nipping at her lower lip as he turned with her and slammed her back against the tree, the strength of his body pinning her there. He thought he smelled and tasted blood but he ignored it, pushed it aside, refused to allow the horrible memories of the battlefield to take hold.

He groaned when her small hands gripped his arms and her head fell back against the tree, leaving the soft skin of her neck exposed. His mouth couldn’t resist. He nipped along her delicate skin that left the familiar hint of mint on his lips that she sometimes tasted of, making him even more hungry for her.

Pushing the edge of her tunic aside, he grabbed hold of her shift at the neck and yanked at it. The cloth tore, exposing one breast. His mouth quickly claimed her nipple, his tongue rolled over it, lavishing it with licks and nips that fired his loins. He couldn’t get enough of the familiar taste that he had missed. He suckled with greed as he rubbed his aching manhood against her. While he wanted to linger, his ache was too powerful, too demanding.

He raised his head and pressed his cheek firm against hers, his whisper harshly ravenous. “I need to be inside you.”

His arm shot under her bottom, hoisting her up and her legs quickly coiled around him. He kept her braced against the tree as his hand shoved garments out of the way, then he lifted her once again to adjust his shaft between her legs.

All was lost to him but the thought of plunging deep inside her and that’s what he did. He dropped his head back as he felt her tightness close around him and all madness and sanity faded at that moment and he let himself get lost in her.

Hard and fast he drove into her, over and over, his passion mounting rapidly, his heart pounding wildly against his chest, his breathing rapid. He needed this, needed her, needed to get lost, not think, not feel the pain. He hammered away, all thought and reason gone. He stood on the edge, ready to fall, ready to let himself go, let himself be caught in a vortex of pleasure he had only found with… “ELYSIA!”

Her name exploded from his lips and her arms tightened around him and he let himself fall, knowing his wife’s arms would be there to catch him.

Elysia let out a long aching moan as she found herself bursting for a second time. She had gone so long without him that pleasure had overtaken her before her husband even got inside her. And when he finally did slip inside her, her need had grown again. She hoped his strong release had eased at least some of the pain that had consumed him to the point of madness.

Odran rested his brow against the tree, his chest heaving, and his shaft lingering inside his wife. Sanity suddenly returned to him like a hard slap in the face. What had he been thinking? He had left them both exposed in the woods when there were people out to do them harm. He truly was mad.

He pulled out of her and stepped away so fast, that Elysia stumbled. His strong hand grabbed her arm to steady her then he let go, turning his back on her.

“My madness endangers you,” he said with a bite of anger as his eyes searched the woods.

Elysia had no intention of letting him destroy the pleasure they had shared. “That was no madness. That was pure joy.”

Odran turned, his words dying on his lips and his green eyes flashing with anger, seeing the blood dribble down her chin from the wound on her lip. He took a step toward her, then stopped. “I hurt you.”

Elysia wiped at her bloody lip. “A minor nip.”

The tight scrunch of his brow disagreed and his glance went to her arm.

Her sleeve had a spot of blood on it. “My wound is fine. The blood is from my lip.” She waited sure of what would come next and it did. His eyes went to her torn shift and that she saw regret there fired her anger. “Oh, good Lord, husband! Do you think I care about a tear I can easily mend? I wanted you with the same madness you wanted me.”