Deara’s head popped up to stare, in shock, at Elysia for a moment before she lowered it quickly.

“Also find room for my wife’s servant, Lendra,” Odran said.

The lass bobbed her head and motioned for Lendra to follow her.

“You won’t be needing me tonight, my lady?” Lendra asked before following Deara.

“No, Lendra, eat and rest. I will see you in the morning,” Elysia said and got an odd look from Deara.

“Give me a moment with Finch, then I will see you to our bedchamber before I go see my mother,” Odran said and strode away from her.

Elysia nodded, not bothering to tell him she intended to go see his mother with him. It would be improper for her not to meet the woman on her arrival, especially with her having taken ill. She also was curious as to what ailed his mother and curious to meet the clan healer.

Odran returned to her side and she slipped her arm around his. “Let us go see how your mother is doing. And please do not argue over it with me. My visit may help in her healing.”

Odran scowled. “I’m afraid it would do more the opposite.”

His remark surprised her but he did not argue with her. He escorted her to his mother’s bedchamber.

All heads turned when Odran entered the bedchamber with his wife. Odran’s father immediately rose from where he sat at his wife’s side to walk over to his son. Elysia could see where Odran got his fine features. Lord Fergus was still a fine looking man, even with his pure white hair and touches of wrinkles on his face. He was of good height but not as tall as his son and slim.

“It is good you’ve come. She is not doing well,” Lord Fergus said tearfully.

Odran might not have shown how his father’s words affected him, but Elysia felt it in the slight flinch of his body and the brief shadow of pain that seemed to dim his green eyes. She gave his arm a squeeze, reminding him he was not alone. She was there with him.

“Elysia, my wife, Da,” Odran said.

Lord Fergus attempted a smile. “I am sorry the arrival to your new home is not a more pleasant one. I am truly pleased to meet you, Elysia.”

“And I, you, Lord Fergus,” Elysia said.

“Who is there?’ came a cry from the large bed.

“It is I, Odran, Mum,” he called out and walked over to the bed, keeping hold of his wife’s arm.

A thin hand reached out from the bed. “Odran, thank the Lord I get to say goodbye to you.”

Odran released his wife’s arm and took his mother’s frail hand in his.

Elysia stepped aside, glancing at a woman who stood not far from the bed. She was taller than Elysia, but then most women were taller than her. She had sizeable hips and breasts and possessed good features. Her dark hair lay in a neat braid on her chest and her dark eyes roamed over Elysia as if in judgment. She wondered if the woman was Lady Margaret’s personal servant and protective of the woman.

Elysia turned away, her eyes lowering to the bucket between the woman and the bed. She scrunched her eyes not sure if she saw what she thought she saw and took a step closer.

“Leeches?” She looked closer to make sure she was seeing the contents correctly. “Who puts leeches on this woman?”

“I did. I am Glenis, the healer. They are there to help her,” The dark-haired woman said, stepping forward.

Bliss had taught her differently and instinct had Elysia reacting. She gave her husband a gentle push, letting him know to move away from his mum and he did. Then she eased the blanket off Lady Margaret’s chest, and blocking her from Odran’s view, removed the cloth covering her chest. She winced seeing the leeches sucking at the woman’s chest and anger sparked in how thin she appeared, as if she’d been starved.

“The leeches will do more harm than good,” Elysia argued, reaching out to remove the bloodsuckers.

Glenis grabbed her wrist roughly.

“Get your hand off my wife!” Odran ordered with a fury that sent a chill through Elysia.

Glenis immediately released Elysia’s wrist and stepped away from her, her head bowed in submission.

Elysia looked to her husband. “These leeches only make your mum worse. They must be removed.”

“You are not a healer. You know not what you say,” Glenis challenged.

“You are right. I am no skilled healer, but my sister, a talented healer, taught me enough to know that leeches are not the answer to healing a person.” Elysia’s worry for the older woman had her acting without permission. Her hand went to the fattest leech and, recalling what she had seen Bliss do to remove several from a young child, she placed her finger at the slimmest part of the slug-like creature where the head would be, got the mouth off then eased the sucker part of the leech, at the back, off the skin. She dropped the leech in the bucket and got busy on removing another one. “Odran, please send for Lendra. She will help me tend your mum.”