“Come to Mummy and leave Lord Odran be,” Roanna said, holding her arms out to her daughter.

Cybill’s head popped up off Odran’s chest and her tiny arms went around his neck as far as they could fit and she planted a big mushy kiss on his cheek. Her arms slipped from around his neck, her tiny hand going to pat his cheek as if making sure the kiss stayed there, then smiled and stretched her arms out to her mum. Once in her mum’s arms, she sent Odran a bigger smile and waved at him. “Bye.”

Odran returned her big smile with one of his own. “Bye, Cybill.”

Silence hung heavily over the Great Hall for a few moments, all eyes on Lord Odran and his generous smile that highlighted his fine features. It was like seeing a different man.


Elysia smiled, seeing her husband emerge and her heart filled with joy.

“Lady Elysia,” Chieftain Neil said with a bob of his head when she stopped beside her husband.

Odran’s arm went around her and she stepped closer to lean against him. “Chieftain Neil,” she acknowledged respectfully. “I see Cybill is well and beguiling as ever.”

“Aye, she is well and a charmer for sure,” Neil said with a laugh. “I’m going to have to keep a good eye on her.”

“I have a request for my husband—”

“Aye, Roanna, Cybill, and I will leave you then,” Neil said before Elysia could finish.

“No, please, it is a request for you as well,” she said and looked to her husband. “I would like to take Lendra with me to my new home. It would help me to have someone I know there with me.” She gave a quick look to Chieftain Neil. “If you don’t mind letting her go.”

Chieftain Neil nodded to Odran. “I bow to Lord Odran’s decision.”

“If that pleases you, wife, then Lendra is welcome at Clan MacBridan,” Odran said.

“It does please me and thank you, my lord,” Elysia said with a nod and a smile.

His wife’s smile always gave his heart a quick catch. If they were alone, he would sweep her up in his arms for a kiss. He’d avoided doing that for the last two days, the temptation of what might follow too much to risk. But they would be leaving soon for his home, leaving no time for anything beyond the kiss.

Cybill’s yawn had Roanna excusing herself to put the little lass down for a nap and left the room. Neil and Odran exchanged a few more words that were soon interrupted when an irritated Tavish rushed into the room.

“You deny me a chance to be part of your warriors when I proved myself worthy?” Tavish demanded. “I’m to stay and defend this poor excuse of a clan?”

Neil’s face glowered, offended by the remark. “Clan Loudon is a fine, honorable clan.”

“But lacks the powerful reputation of the Clan MacBridan,” Tavish argued and turned fiery eyes on Odran. “Afraid I’ll outshine your warriors?”

Odran stepped toward him. “You tried and failed, unable to come close to any one of my warriors in skill. You remain here where you belong.”

“I disagree,” Tavish argued.

“That makes no difference to me and do not bother me further with your nonsense.” Odran turned and took a step toward his wife.

Elysia saw it before anyone. So quick, it was nothing more than a flash, but she saw the dagger. She yelled, “ODRAN,” as she stepped around him, giving him a slight shove.

He turned as the dagger came down slicing his wife’s sleeve. His hand shot out, grabbing Tavish’s arm and twisting it before the dagger tore completely through the sleeve.

Tavish struggled with Odran, but it was no contest, Odran the far stronger one. Odran rammed Tavish with his elbow, sending him stumbling back and easily ending the encounter.

“I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE,” Tavish screamed. “Another righteous one will come and another and another. You think you’ve won but you haven’t. You and your wife will die and the curse with it.”

Odran went to step forward, ready to grab him by the throat and force him to explain what he meant, but he wasn’t quick enough. Tavish yanked another dagger from his boot and ran it across his throat slicing it. Blood shot out and he dropped to the floor, blood continuing to spill around him.

Elysia stepped forward to see if she could help Tavish, but Odran stopped her. His heart slammed against his chest seeing the blood that covered her sleeve.

When she saw his eyes deep with worry, she was quick to reassure him. “I’ve given it a glance. It is not a bad wound. I can see to it with some help. Have Lendra fetched. She will know how to help me.”

“I’ll see to fetching Lendra,” Chieftain Neil said.

“Send Finch to me,” Odran ordered and Neil gave a nod.

Elysia went to sit at the nearest table and Odran was at her side in a flash to help her.