Chapter 14

The tables in the Great Hall were covered with food aplenty, but the dais sat bare.

Elysia stopped and turned not sure what to do.

“We will sup privately,” Odran said and pointed to the stairs.

It was a chore to climb the stone steps, her legs protesting every step of the way, as they had done that dreadful day she and Annis had walked with Bliss to the keep and their lives had been changed forever. Was that what this moment would do? Change her life once again?

He directed her to a door and she hesitated to push it open, worried that by entering her fate would be sealed, but then her fate had been sealed when she wed him. She jumped when her husband reached around her, his body brushing against hers as his hand reached for the latch and opened the door.

She took quick steps inside, though stopped abruptly when seeing the large tub, at least to her it was large for one her wee size, in front of the hearth.

“Warm yourself in the heat of the water,” he ordered, stepping around her.

Saber never ordered her. He had always spoken kindly to her and softly, but then he had barely been able to speak. She wasn’t surprised his voice had returned full force, since he’d been healing nicely before he had taken his leave.

“I will bathe after you are done, then we will eat and talk,” he said and his hand reached out to brush a stray strand of hair off her face. It was something he’d done often and ached to do again, an intimate gesture he had sorely missed.

Elysia jumped back avoiding his hand and his green eyes glared with annoyance, though for a moment she thought she had seen hurt there.

“Hurry and wash. You need to eat. You have gotten too thin. A good wind would blow you away,” he said, then stepped around her and left the room.

Elysia stood there unable to move. It all was too much for her. She wanted to drop where she was and give into the tears she’d been fighting all day. Saber would have never been so commanding or unkind, but Saber was no more.

The door opened and she hurried to turn, fearful Odran had returned and would remain in the room with her while she bathed. She wasn’t ready for such intimacy with him. She had been comfortable and trustful of Saber and the intimacy they had shared, but Saber hadn’t been as trustful as she once believed.

“I’ve been sent to help you.”

Elysia almost collapsed in Lendra’s arms, relieved to see her.

Lendra’s arm went around her. “You have worked tirelessly and endlessly to help others. It is time for you to let others help you and for you to get some rest and some food into you. You’ve barely had time to eat lately.”

Elysia let Lendra help her, all her strength having faded away. Or maybe it was that she no longer had the will to protest. Besides, Lendra was right about one thing—she needed some rest. Exhaustion had finally taken its toll on her. She was barely able to disrobe and without Lendra’s help she wouldn’t have been able to climb into the tub.

Elysia sighed with pure pleasure when she lowered her body into the heated water, letting herself sink up to her neck. She could fall asleep right there. The thought startled her awake. She didn’t want to be caught in the tub when her husband returned.

“Soak your hair and I’ll wash it for you,” Lendra said.

Elysia submerged her whole head, letting the heated water cover her like a comforting blanket. And while she was capable of washing her own hair, her aching arms were glad to let Lendra do it.

“Saber is a good man which means Odran must be as well. It isn’t his fault he was cursed and with Annis determined to break the curse, you have a chance at a good marriage,” Lendra advised.

“He lied to me. How do I trust him?” Elysia asked, the question haunting her.

“That is a good question to ask him and give him a chance to explain. Saber would want you to do that.”

“Lord Odran is far different from Saber,” Elysia argued.

“Because he has no choice. He is heir to a large clan. He will lead many people, be responsible for many people. That is a heavy burden and it is only made worse by the curse his father suffered on him with his evil deed.”

“You defend him,” Elysia said, surprised since Lendra had worried along with the other women about who would be chosen as brides for the cursed lords.

“He and his warriors saved many in the clan from death today and he appointed Neil chieftain when he could have made a stranger the chieftain. The clan is relieved and pleased that they will have Lord Odran’s protection.”