Dorrit entered the room. “If there is nothing else you need, Lord Odran, I will see that all are told you have retired for the night.”

“We need nothing else, Dorrit,” Odran said and as soon as the door closed Odran began to disrobe. He stopped when he turned and saw a worried look on his wife’s face. His first thought was the bairn. “What’s wrong?”

“There is something we must do immediately if we want a modicum of peace in the clan.”

His worry over her eased, but his brow narrowed wondering what it could be. “What must we do?”

“We need to replace Willa’s blackthorn stick.”

Odran laughed. “There are probably quite a few people who wouldn’t agree with you.”

“And who do you think she’s going to complain to the most about not having her stick?”

“I’ll make sure she gets another one right away,” Odran said, thinking how the old woman would harangue him until he did.

“Good,” Elysia said with a smile.

Odran smiled as well. “Now, wife, let me help you wash.”

Chapter 34

Odran rested his hand on his wife’s stomach that had rounded quite a bit in the last month. “At least you have received no troublesome word from either of your sisters.”

“That’s the problem,” Elysia argued. “I have received no word at all, not even a message from Bram letting me know how Bliss is doing.”

“You may not have received word from him, but at least you have not received any bad word from him,” Odran said, trying to keep her from worrying.

Elysia snuggled closer to her husband in bed. “We could go visit.”

“No!” Odran said firmly. “Here I can keep you safe, whereas on a journey anything can happen. I think Bliss would agree with me. I already received word from Rannick that he will make sure Bliss is here to deliver our bairn. And by then, perhaps Annis will have returned. For now, we enjoy the unusual peace that has settled over the clan. Everyone is amazed by it and hopeful it remains.”

“Things have gone well lately,” Elysia agreed.

“Aye. Da does well and is content to leave me with the leadership of the clan.”

Elysia laughed softly. “That’s because your mum is her old self, from what everyone says, and the two are spending endless time together.”

“I think they’re making up for the time they lost and I’m glad to see them so happy once again. I’m also glad Berdina is serving well as our new healer and that Rory and her are happy together. He drinks little if none nowadays. And he teaches Dugan to be a fine warrior. He was a brave lad that night with Cadell, playing him for a fool and making him believe he could be bought for a coin all so he could protect you. I am grateful to him and proud of him.”

“I’m glad you told him that. He walks with much pride now and relief that he and his mum finally have a good home,” Elysia said, laying her head on her husband’s chest and loving the feel of his strong arm wrap around her. “Finch and Lendra have much healing to do yet, though I am relieved that Lendra talks no more of Bram. I think seeing Crissa’s obsession with Finch made her realize her own obsession with Bram.”

“The two spend much time together commiserating,” Odran said. “Maybe they will find in each other what they didn’t find in others.”

Elysia smiled up at him. “Aren’t you pleased, husband, that I warned you to get Willa a new blackthorn stick?”

Odran shook his head. “What you didn’t warn me about was all the other people who would complain to me that I got her the stick. She brandishes it around like a weapon.”

Elysia laughed. “Still, I think you prefer their complaints than what she would have suffered on you if she had no blackthorn stick. Besides, she keeps waving the stick over my stomach every time she sees me confident it will keep evil away from our bairn.”

Odran rubbed his wife’s stomach. “I hope her words and the magic of the blackthorn stick proves true.”

Voices outside the bedroom door drew their attention.

“It’s my task to inform Lord Odran,” Stiles said.

“And I will be there when you do,” Lendra insisted.

Elysia sat up, the blanket falling to her waist and revealing her breasts that had grown fuller in the last month.

Odran got out of bed and grabbed the soft wool robe his wife had stitched for herself and helped her slip it on.

The knock came then and Odran ordered, “One moment.” after seeing his wife was covered, he fetched his plaid and wrapped it around his waist, then returned to sit beside his wife in the bed before calling out, “Enter.”

Stiles walked in, Lendra close on his heels and a worried look in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Elysia asked.