“Here I thought you would make it easy for me.”

Fear rushed along Elysia’s spine hearing Cadell and she looked up to see him not far from the stairs. She tightened her grip on the dagger.

“I thought I would find you asleep in bed and wake you with a quick slice across your throat, leaving your husband to find you in a pool of blood.” Cadell laughed. “You have become as annoying as your sister Annis.”

“Did you set a trap for my husband?” she asked, biding time while she thought of a way to escape him.

“More a diversion since I saw an opportunity and took it,” he boasted. “How could I pass up using the murders here to cover killing Lord Odran. It was too easy, except that it turned out to be his father I stabbed and, of course, you had to save him. But I’ll rectify that as soon as I’m done with you.” He stepped forward.

Elysia stood, her arm shooting out, warding Cadell off with the dagger.

He laughed. “If you were Annis I might be worried, but that puny dagger and your petite size causes me no fear. You will die tonight and your bairn along with you.”

His words frightened her but she stayed strong as Annis would. “My size might be no threat, but I know where to deliver a single blow with this dagger to see you die slow and painfully.”

He winced and took a step back, then he laughed. “You think I am alone in this?” His glance settled behind her.

Chapter 33

Elysia couldn’t believe her eyes when she turned and Dugan stepped out of the shadows, a dirk in his hand.

Cadell grinned. “I knew as soon as I saw that coin that Dugan could be bought and where my men would have been stopped entering the keep this late, Dugan wouldn’t. All he had to do was say he needed to see Rory.”

Elysia looked at the lad, his hand so tight on the dirk that his knuckles gleamed white. He kept this shoulders squared and his chin tilted up enough to show a spark of defiance. And his eyes held the same tenaciousness she had seen when he talked about seeing his mum kept safe. Dare she hope he meant to help and not harm her. Had he been wise enough to play Cadell a fool? She prayed it was so, since her heart would break to use her dagger on the lad.

“You are such a trusting fool, Elysia. You see people for what you wish them to be, not who they truly are. Most people are rotten down to their soul and will do anything for coin,” Cadell said and gave a nod toward Dugan.”

“Like you, Cadell? Isn’t that why you do this—for coin?” Elysia challenged.

“Aye, I do it for coin and to get away from the madness of the curse. It has claimed too many. Glenis was a fine woman once and we shared a common desire to get away, leave the Highlands. Then she met Tavish and he convinced her to stay and fight the curse and what does she do? She tries to slowly kill Lady Margaret.” He tossed his hands up in a helpless gesture as he shook his head. “Then she takes Bram to her bed to see what she can learn from him to feed me information. I had enough. Then there’s Brogan. Nothing kills that man, and how I wish something did. Even Annis can’t get him killed and believe me when I tell you she’s come close to it from what my men tell me. The coin I get from what I do here will free me from the madness and from these Godforsaken Highlands.”

“Who pays you this coin?” Elysia asked, praying she’d survive to share the news with her husband.

Cadell laughed. “I can’t believe you haven’t realized the truth of it all. He laughed again. “But then you wouldn’t since your honesty and kindness blinds you to the truth. Greed and power rules everything. Understand that and you will have your answer. Now give the lad your dagger.”

Elysia had a choice. She could lunge at Dugan or trust her instinct that he was an honorable lad and wouldn’t harm her. She turned a smile on Cadell. “Unlike you, I believe there is goodness and honor in people.” She held out the knife to Dugan. “I trust you.”

The lad stared at her a moment, then mouthed as he raised the knife… run.

Elysia didn’t hesitate. She ran to the opening that led to the kitchen area and heard Dugan follow behind her.

Cadell’s voice echoed down the stone passageway. “Don’t let her get out of the keep.”

Elysia didn’t look back not even when she heard a clatter behind her as she rushed through the kitchen.

She was only a short distance from the door when she heard a tumble and crash. “Bloody hell, you’re as much trouble as Annis.”