“Oh, dear child, you don’t want to do that to Lady Elysia.”

Elysia turned, shocked and worried, at the sound of Lady Margaret’s soft, consoling voice.

“I don’t?” Crissa asked, pressing her finger to the side of her head and wincing as if in pain.

Lady Margaret approached Crissa, and Elysia almost reached out to stop her, but the determination in the older woman’s eyes prevented any interference.

“No, my child, it will not help you to get what you want,” Lady Margaret said, continuing to approach her without an ounce of fear.

“I want Finch,” Crissa said, tears gathering in her eyes.

“You want to be loved, Crissa,” Lady Margaret said, stopping in front of her. “Cowan never knew how to love. He cared only for himself and he beat down your mother so badly she wasn’t even strong enough to defend herself let alone her daughters. You are a loving person, Crissa, nothing like your destructive father.”

Elysia stifled her gasp when her husband unexpectedly brushed up beside her. She gripped his hand when he slipped his around hers and nodded when the worry in his green eyes silently questioned if she was all right. She nodded, letting him know she was good and his worried glance shifted to his mum.

“You don’t want to hurt anyone, Crissa, and I don’t want to see you hurt,” Lady Margaret said and gently eased the knife out of Crissa’s hand.

Odran ran to his mother and Elysia rushed to Lendra.

“Crissa, I can’t find—” Finch stood shocked when he entered the room. “What happened?”

“Lendra won’t bother you anymore, Finch. I took care of her like I did Glenis and Deara. They won’t steal you away from me,” she said with a smile.

Finch stood speechless staring at Crissa.

“Finch, come help me tend Crissa’s injured hand,” Lady Margaret said, waving him on.

Finch didn’t move. He stood there staring, utterly bewildered.

“Finch!” Odran called out, taking the knife from his mum. “Do as my mother said. See to Crissa.”

Finch shook himself out of his stupor and hurried to do as Odran ordered.

“We will do well now, Finch, with my father dead and those women who would not leave you alone dead as well,” Crissa said as Finch led her to a nearby table, too stunned to respond to her.

“Da?” Odran asked of his mum, glancing down at his da who slept peacefully.

“He isn’t harmed, but I believe it was your wife’s sudden appearance that stopped Crissa from finishing what she started,” his mum said. “Go help your wife while I see to Crissa.”

Mother and son went in opposite directions.

“How is Lendra?” Odran asked, reaching his wife.

“She is good, to my relief. Her hand suffered the worst of it, having deflected the knife when Crissa slashed out at her. It nicked her side, but it is nothing serious, though it will take some healing,” Elysia said, the fear that had gripped her since she woke and exploded upon entering the Great Hall now fading away. “I need water and cloths as does your mum.”

“Oh my goodness. What happened?” Dorrit asked, hurrying into the room. “I thought I heard voices and worried something had happened to Lord Fergus.”

“Water and cloths, Dorrit, you’ll learn the rest later,” Odran ordered and the woman bustled away after a quick bob of her head.

By the time both women’s wounds were tended, it was morning and Lord Fergus was stirring, though he had yet to wake.

Odran had sent for Rory to escort Lendra to her cottage to rest, Elysia promising she would look in on her later. Elysia and Odran joined Lady Margaret at the table where Crissa sat clinging to Finch.

“What do we do, my lord?” Finch asked, desperate to hear what could be done with Crissa and fearing the worst.

“We marry as planned, of course, and you become the new chieftain of my clan,” Crissa said as if nothing had happened to change their plans.

“In time, my dear,” Lady Margaret said reassuringly. “First, however, I think some time at the abbey would do you good and give you a chance to fully heal from your terrible ordeal.”

Crissa’s brow creased and she rubbed at it. “I have had troubling thoughts lately.” Her glance went to Finch and lingered there.

Uncomfortable with her silence and intense stare, Finch said, “Crissa, are you all right?”

“I thought of killing you, Finch. I thought it was all your fault for paying attention to those women.” She rubbed her brow again. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“I am well acquainted with Mother Abbess at Kincross Abbey. She is a kind and caring woman. She would welcome you there. You can rest and heal,” Lady Margaret said.

“I can escort you to the Abbey today and I will visit you if permitted,” Finch offered.

Crissa eased away from him. “Not until I no longer have the urge to kill you anymore.”