Elysia moved away from her husband, freeing him to go to his mum and take her in his arms. Her tears continued to fall for her husband as did his mum’s for both her sons.

“Tynan was a proud man, and I didn’t think he would want anyone to know how he pleaded with me, so I let people think what they wanted,” Odran said, hugging his mum tight.

Margaret looked up at her son. “You two always looked out for each other. I’m glad and relieved you were there to help your brother. I’m proud of you both. And I’m also proud you have the courage to love in spite of the curse. Now go see that your wife rests, while I see to your da.”

Odran returned to his wife, his arm going around her waist to tug her against him. “The heavens sent me a miracle that day in the market when you hid behind me and I will be forever grateful to them. I love you, wife, with all my heart.”

Two days’ time brought some worry when Lord Fergus felt warm to the touch and redness encroached on the stitches. Elysia treated the wound with a salve of mostly Lady Mantle and the fever, she called on her sister’s knowledge to treat. Bliss had told her many times that some fevers were necessary to healing while fever brought on by wounds couldn’t be allowed to last too long. She had Lendra brew Elderberry and thyme to keep the fever at bay.

Unrest haunted the clan with all that was going on, many believing the curse had risen like the dead from the grave to torment them. Whispers made mention of evil that stalked the clan, claiming whatever poor soul got in its way. How else were the stabbings to be explained? Whether they believed it or didn’t want to believe it, no one in the clan muttered a word about a crazy person in the clan being responsible for the two killings and Lord Fergus being stabbed.

Odran ordered his mum to her bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on her from remaining by her husband’s side and getting barely any sleep. He did the same to his wife, refusing to take no for an answer when he told his wife she was to sleep in their bed tonight. She protested, but Lendra had assured her she would fetch her if needed. Finch acknowledged the same.

“Have some mercy on Rory,” Lendra suggested. “He also needs rest.”

Reluctantly, Elysia agreed and when she climbed in bed that night, she realized not only how much she needed the rest, but her husband needed it as well. His yawns followed one after another upon entering their bedchamber. She wrapped herself around his warm, naked body, his arms tucking her close. While her first thought would have been to make love, she was simply too tired and her husband was as well. His repeated yawns continued to confirm that. Lying there in his arms was pleasure enough for her and left her feeling more than content.

Sleep poked at Elysia but there had been something she wanted to talk with her husband about and hadn’t had a chance. Something she had heard Rory and Finch whisper about and something she had thought herself.

“This attack your da suffered was meant for you, wasn’t it?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to worry you with that possibility while you tended my da. You had enough to handle.” He rolled her on her back and splayed his hand over her stomach, feeling the slight bump that was their bairn. “You are feeling well?”

“I am and do not change the subject,” she scolded lightly.

He lowered his head to kiss her stomach gently. “I believe so. I also believe there is someone with a plan, someone who wants me, Brogan, and Rannick dead but not due to the curse.”

That surprised Elysia. “What would this person want if not to end the curse?”

Odran kissed her stomach again before looking up at her. “What most men want—power.” He moved to take her back into his arms when his head hit the pillow. “And land equals power.”

“Why kill Glenis and Deara?” she asked, settling once again comfortably against him.

“A possible ruse to cover up any planned murders or my da’s attack was to make it seem like the same person committed all three when they are separate incidents.”

“It’s a complicated web that has been spun,” Elysia said. “Are my sisters in danger?”

“Annis has no worries. She’s not wed to Brogan and as long as Bliss doesn’t get with child, no one has reason to go after her. And after what happened with Shona, there is no way Rannick will even lay a hand on Bliss. It is you they will come after to keep you from bearing this bairn and any future ones and, of course, me so that the Clan MacBridan dies.”