“Someone with some common sense,” Rory said with a snort.

Odran listened to the men debate the issue that held merit. Could the culprit have just arrived or was a traitor living among them? Either way the task of finding the culprit would not be an easy one.

“There is also Cowan’s men to consider,” Stiles said. “It could be a retaliation for Cowan’s death.”

“I don’t believe so,” Finch said. “I’ve been speaking to Cowan’s men and it appears that they are relieved he’s dead. Many talked of what a brutal man he was and they wanted Lord Odran to know they harbored no ill will against him and would be loyal to him. I learned that many of them didn’t agree with the decision to battle with Clan MacBridan over such a trivial matter. They saw no reason for it and the objection grew when far too many lives were lost in battle.”

“There is a far bigger scheme to this than first realized. Brogan and Rannick need to be made aware of it and prepared for it.” Odran looked to Cadell. “I will have a message prepared for you in the morning to deliver to Lord Rannick and Lord Brogan, and also my wife has a message for you to deliver to her sister.”

“I intended to delay my departure until I see how Lord Fergus fares. I’m sure Lord Balloch and Lord Lochlann will want to hear news of their friend,” Cadell said.

“You will not delay it long. I will let you know when you are to leave,” Odran ordered. “I want this known to Rannick and Brogan sooner than later.”

“Aye, my lord,” Cadell said.

Odran continued to issue orders. “Rory, go with Stiles, he will assign you a task.”

“I’d like to be one of the warriors who protects Lady Elysia, if that is acceptable to you, my lord?” Rory said. “She is a kind and generous woman and I would give my life to see her kept safe.”

“I’d think twice about that if I were you, Lord Odran,” Cadell warned.

Odran’s hand shot up, stopping Rory when he lunged forward, looking ready to hammer Cadell. “What of your men? Are they faithful to you?”

Cadell bristled. “I can assure you they are.”

“I will be assured when you return to your men and make certain they all remain where camped until you take your leave,” Odran commanded, leaving little room that he was to be obeyed immediately.

“As you wish, my lord,” Cadell said, his anger obvious as he stomped like a protesting child out of the Great Hall.

“Switch the sentinels’ positions frequently,” Odran ordered Stiles. “Fresh eyes may catch something. Also, while I trust Finch’s word about Cowan’s men, to be safe make sure none leave where they camp.”

Stiles bobbed his head and hurried off.

“Finch, you will delay your departure until we learn more of how my father does. Also since you’re here in the keep frequently, you will keep watch over Lendra, freeing the guard assigned the task to better serve elsewhere.”

“A far too easy task, my lord, since I don’t believe Lendra guilty of killing Deara.”

“Then think of it as protecting her, since there is a possibility that Deara wasn’t accusing Lendra of killing her but warning that Lendra could be next to die.”

“Good Lord,” Finch said. “I will see she is kept safe.”

Odran gave him a nod, letting him know he wished to speak to Rory alone and Finch stepped away from them, keeping his eyes on Lendra.

“Battle has taught me a good deal about a man’s nature and I see in you an honorable man. That my wife thinks good of you also helps. That is why I am going to assign you the duty of keeping my wife safe when I cannot be with her. Give me your word you will see no harm come to her.”

Rory drew his shoulders back and stood tall. “I pledge that I will give my life if necessary to see her safe. I will also stay close even when she is with you in case a situation arises where you are too engaged to get her to safety.”

“You will see her safe and not worry about me in such a situation, no matter how much she might object to being whisked away,” Odran ordered, hating to think that such a situation might occur and wanting to be sure his wife and bairn would survive.

Rory laid a solid fist to his chest. “You have my word, my lord.”

Odran turned to look at his wife bent over his da. He silently swore for bringing this suffering down on her, then thanked the heavens for sending her to him. The thought of life without her was unbearable. He’d do whatever was necessary to see her safe, to see them both safe and their bairn born with more bairns to follow, and to a promise of a life filled with laughter and love.