“Berdina is a skilled healer. She will be much help to you.”

“The clan can use a skilled healer since I am far from one.” Elysia didn’t give Rory time to debate her words. “Has Berdina healed you, Rory?”

Rory stopped, his mouth moving as if to speak but no words passing his lips. He continued walking not saying a word and Elysia followed along.

“She was with Shona when she died,” Rory said.

Elysia remembered Rory telling her about Shona, the woman he loved, and how she had been forced to become Rannick’s third wife. She remained silent, hoping he would continue and she would learn more about Rannick.

“Berdina told me how much Rannick objected to the marriage. He did not want to wed Shona and he fought with his father over it. His father paid no heed and had them wed, but Rannick refused to consummate the marriage.” Rory coughed clearing his throat, a telltale sign tears choked him. “Berdina spoke to Shona only once and she confided in Berdina that she had given her heart to another man and she would never love another.” He coughed again and took a moment before he spoke again. “Berdina saw Shona and Rannick talking outside in front of the keep, a rare occurrence for no one had seen the couple together in the three days they had been wed.”

Elysia heard Rory sniffle back his tears and her heart hurt for him.

“Shona collapsed and Rannick caught her in his arms. Berdina hurried to her but she was dead. There was nothing she could do for her and she doesn’t understand why she died. It has puzzled her. Rannick left for foreign shores after that and when he was forcibly returned home, Berdina said it was as if hell had returned with him. Illness plagued the clan and nothing she did stopped it. She felt helpless and it didn’t help that Rannick returned home more animal than human. It only added to the misery and suffering of the clan. Lord Lochlann accused her of failing the clan and doing nothing to help his son. He cast her and Dugan out and spread word that it was her fault the clan suffered. No clan would allow her near or even give her food or drink. You can see the toll it has taken on her and Dugan since he has been shunned along with his mum.”

“They are safe here,” Elysia assured him.

“I had no doubt of that, especially when Dugan said you invited him and his mum to join Clan Loudon. He refused to stay when he learned you had left and I had to agree, for once it was discovered who Berdina was, I’m ashamed to say few were hospitable to her. That’s why I brought them here. I knew you would give them a good home.”

Elysia stopped at the bottom of the keep steps. “Is Berdina aware that my sister Bliss has wed Rannick?”

“She is and the only thing she said was that she would pray for her.”

Worry for her sister weighed heavily on Elysia as she and Rory entered the Great Hall.

Odran immediately spotted his wife’s distress even at a distance. It was the blankness in her eyes as if her thoughts were anyplace but where she was. He hurried to her while casting a scowl at Rory.

Elysia reached out to her husband. “Rory did nothing but tell me the truth and I am grateful to him for it. At least I have a good picture of what my sister faces.”

Rory bobbed his head and took his leave without saying a word.

Odran kept his arm around his wife as they walked to the table.

“It has been a long, exhausting day, can we retire to our bedchamber?” she asked.

“Go,” Fergus ordered. “Elysia needs rest. “I will go and speak with Cowan’s men.”

“I appreciate it, Da,” Odran said, his need to console his wife more important than anything.

Elysia sat on the bed as soon as they entered their bedchamber, feeling as if her legs would no longer hold her up. “I know now why you wouldn’t say anything about Rannick. He is as they say—more animal than human.”

Odran sat beside her, taking hold of her hand. “Rannick is an exceptionally strong man. No matter what the curse threw at him, he faced it with more courage than me and Brogan combined. It was the death of Shona, his third wife that broke him. He didn’t know her and he didn’t want to know her. His father forced the marriage, but he kept his distance from her. The first time he saw her, spoke to her, she collapsed in his arms and died. Something was destroyed in him that day, deep down inside him, and I fear he will never heal from it. Though after meeting Bliss, I’ve wondered if she just might be the one who could heal his ravaged soul.”