“Do not be long, wife,” Odran said, allowing Rory to escort Elysia, since he had no doubt she wanted to speak with him privately to see if there was anything he wanted to tell her that no one else needed to hear.

Elysia kissed her husband on the cheek and turned to the table where Crissa sat. “Do not wait until you grow tired to seek your bed. You still could do with rest.”

“I’ll take her there now,” Finch said and stood, holding his hand out to her.

Odran was soon left in the Great Hall with his da and Cadell.

Cadell moved to the table where Odran and his da sat. “Lord Lochlann will be pleased at the news that the Clan MacBridan lives on and I’m pleased to be the one to deliver the news.”

“I thought you were going to see Lord Balloch,” Fergus said.

“I am but a short stop at Clan MacClaren will not take long and it is such a pleasure to deliver good news for a change.”

“Surely Lochlann was thrilled when you delivered a bride for his son,” Odran said.

“It was more a relief for Lord Lochlann that a wife had finally been found for his son. I am sure he will share the news of your impending bairn with his son to encourage him to do the same as you have done and get his wife with child.”

The news would be a blow to Rannick since he, Brogan, and Rannick had agreed, after much debate, to let the curse die with them. He would have preferred to tell his friend himself. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to take a chance on journeying to Clan MacClaren. There were those who still wanted to see him, Brogan, and Rannick dead and now with Elysia carrying an heir not just to the Clan MacBridan but to the curse itself, they could very well go after her as well.

Finch returned to the Great Hall and stopped by the table. “My apologizes for disturbing your conversation, Lord Odran, but some of Cowan’s men requested to speak with you several times and I would like to see it done. Could you spare a few moments when you are done here?”

“Aye, Finch. I’ll meet you where they camp as soon as I’m finished here,” Odran said and Finch took his leave of the room.

“It would be remiss of me if I didn’t say that the clans that banded together with the intention of seeing this curse brought to an end will not take well of the news that you will have an heir, Lord Odran,” Cadell said. “While you have quelled the unrest for now, this news may spark it again.”

Odran pounded a heavy fist on the table, causing Cadell to jump. “My wrath will know no bounds if anyone dares to harm my wife and if I so much as hear a mere rumble of unrest, I will ride on the clan with my warriors and rain the fires of hell down upon them.”

“Such an ominous warning will surely keep the clans at bay,” Cadell said and stood. “I leave in the morning. I wish you both well.” With a bob of his head to each man, he took his leave.

“I wish things were different, son. I wish my heart was filled with joy for you and Elysia instead of fear.” Fergus took a strong gulp of ale. “The news of an impending heir will spread fast. The warriors will need to be extra vigilant. Travelers who stop will need to be watched, never left out of sight. And Elysia must be watched over at all times.”

“I will see to it all,” Odran assured him.

“The news will upset your mum. She will worry over you and Elysia.” Fergus took another strong swig of ale. “Why don’t you visit with your mum much?”

Odran rubbed the back of his neck. “Guilt. When I visit with her she cries and I hate to see her cry. I am too much of a burden on her.”

“Never does she think that of you,” his da scolded. “She has grown stronger under Elysia’s care and her visits. I believe one day soon she will be the strong woman she once was.”

“That would be nice, Da, since I miss the mum who raised me with courage by showing her own bravery.”

Rory remained alert to all around him as he escorted Elysia back to the keep.

“You have changed, Rory,” Elysia said.

“Berdina has seen to that.”

“You favor her?” Elysia asked, though it seemed obvious to her.

“She is a good woman and Dugan is a good son to her.”

That was answer enough for Elysia. “Mother and son both seem to favor you as well.”

He bristled at the suggestion. “I was the first man to treat them both decently in far too long.”

“The three of you make a fine family,” Elysia said and was pleased when he didn’t dismiss her remark.