“Tell me I may enter you,” he growls. He leans in again, brushing the barest ghost kiss across my lips before moving to my ear and teasing my earlobe with the very tips of his fangs.

A full body shudder wracks me and I inch forward off the counter, seeking contact with his rock-hard shaft where it rests against my entrance.

But he pulls his hips back and breathes heavily into my ear. “Beg me for it. Beg me for what you hunger for. Beg me to mount you.”

I shudder again, and the rational part of my mind that had made everything seem so clear ten minutes before has completely fled.

In this moment, there’s only First’s body against mine, and the desperate need to have him inside me again.

“Please,” I beg. “Please, First. Fuck me.”

Maybe he’s barely restraining himself too, because he shoves inside the second the words are out of my mouth.

And dear God but my memory wasn’t exaggerating the intensity of the pleasure of being connected to him like this.

I throw my head back and give into it. Why fight? Dear God, why fight the most sublime, perfect, glorious pleasure?

Mate. Fuck. Fuck mate. Perfect cunt. Fuck.

Snatches of his thoughts and impulses and wants overwhelm me. Feeling what he feels, that all-consuming, overwhelming absorption in everything he does. First doesn’t know how to do things in half-measures.

He squeezes my ass, massaging my cheeks in his big, strong hands. Does he know how much I love that? He must, because he keeps hold of them, stretching me open wide and then thrusting hard, harder, harder still.

I squirm on him, wanting him everywhere—

I don’t realize, but of course he can feel my want. And he knows exactly what I want, even the things I would be far too embarrassed to ever, ever say out loud.

But First doesn’t need words, does he?

He simply lifts me off the bathroom counter into his huge arms, his cock slipping out of me as he goes.

But he doesn’t put me down again, no, of course not. He’s seen my desire, felt it. My breath catches as I feel him position the cock that was just deep in my pussy, still soaked with my juices… against my anus.

I tremble in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist. He hesitates, purple eyes coming to mine. I bite my bottom lip and nod, then I bury my face against his shoulder. I might want this, but it doesn’t mean I can look at him while we do it.

He’s gentle as he feeds his large cock in my ass, the lubricant of my sopping pussy easing the way. I clutch my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. The cock that was previously cemented against our stomachs now bobs at the entrance of my wet pussy, teasing me. I focus on that to distract me from the pressure at my backside.

But First can of course feel that, too. So he pauses feeding his cock in my anus to slip his other into my pussy. I shudder as I swallow him inside me, clenching around him as he goes back to slowly, inexorably feeling me up from behind as well as in front. Oh— Oh—

I shudder and tremble as I feel First’s insane burst of lust at the feel of me, so tight around him. He’s barely keeping himself in check. I feel the pleasure about to burst the top of his head off. Now I need this as much as he does.

I immediately loosen my muscles and he slips an inch in my backside, then another, and another. Ever bit I give he takes with a satisfied growl. Oh my God, I thought we were one before, but this, being stuffed in every way possible with him, all at once. And feeling his amazement, his absolute shock and lustful joy at plundering his mate this way, something he never fathomed—

I start to move on him, to hold on and ride his two cocks, both at once, up and down.

He starts to speak in a harsh, guttural language I don’t understand. And yet, with our connection, it makes sense to me all the same.


She mine.

Together fuck never apart forever she-mine-mate-mine-forever.

My eyes all but roll back in my head as the waves of pleasure first spike and then start to wave, one blast and then another. I shudder and squirm and rock on First, and he clings to me.


Ride. Fuck. Love fuck. YES. LOVE FUCK MATE.

And I do. We do.

It’s out of this world.

And right as I feel First roar his climax and my world shatters in a bright burst of light and pleasure, I scream—and not in pleasure.

Pain rips across my back in almost the exact same moment.

I let go of First’s neck and would have tumbled from his arms if he didn’t catch me at the last moment.