Not that this isn’t deadly as hell already.

Fliss, what were you thinking?

Only, I think I know.

She thought Paisley took the kids.

She sensed it on my face and felt it in her gut.

She must’ve made some kind of deal. Some kind of exchange. Because that’s what she would do.

That sweet, gorgeous, too good woman would sacrifice herself if it meant saving Eli and Tara.

I lose track of the number of times I curse under my breath as I take the next turn off Main and swerve my Jeep back around toward The Nest.

Using the backstreets, I fumble for my phone.

I nearly wreck my Jeep into the curb when it rings before I can even pull up my contacts. When I see the caller ID, I wonder if Holt’s psychic.

Swerving to a halt, I swipe the call. “I think—”

“—Felicity’s in trouble,” he growls, finishing the sentence for me. “Fuchsia’s been trying to call us all day. We were so busy with the kids—Alaska, listen, Lockwood’s in town. Tonight. And guess who Fuchsia told before she told us?”

I close my eyes and exhale a single word.


“Bingo,” he says grimly. “Ember said Fliss took the gold from the safe and refused to let Ember help her with whatever she’s fixing to do. She meant to tell us, but—”

“The kids,” I finish. “It gets even better.”

“Oh, shit. What?”

“I’m parked behind The Nest right now. Paisley Lockwood’s already here. And I think Gavin might be with her.”

“Gavin? From the crew? Your friend?” he asks, bewildered.

“He’s no friend of ours,” I grit out. “I knew I fucked up, Holt. I took pity on him. He sold me a sob story and I made a bad call. I’m sorry I ever got him tangled up in your business. Don’t think he did any harm to Silverton Construction, but—fuck—I think he’s dangerous. I can’t let him hurt Fliss.”

“Don’t do anything sudden. Backup’s on the way. Let me get ahold of Blake, and we’ll regroup at the fire station. We’ve got a whole stash of backup arms and ammo.”

“Arms? At the fire station?”

“Safest place to keep it away from anyone who shouldn’t have them. Better than any lockbox.” He snorts.

“I’m staying here.”


“I can’t wait, Holt.” Not when my heart crumbles into dust under the pressure of the massive fist squeezing it, fingers of dread digging in till it threatens to rip me apart at the seams. “Things like this can go down in seconds. If I wait for backup, Felicity could be dead.” I take a deep breath. “Get here as soon as you can. I’ll buy some time, but I have a feeling we’ll need help getting out of this.”

“Got it. Stay safe, man.”

“I’ll try.”

I hang up the phone, pitch it onto the seat, and straighten out my Jeep before easing it up to the back of the building. There’s no rear entrance, but there’s that Employees Only exit in the side alley.

It shouldn’t be too hard to pick the lock, and failing that, there are cruder ways inside.

I park the Jeep as quietly as I can and slip out to dig around in the back. My go bag.

For the briefest second, I smile. Felicity was so impressed, way back at the lake, because I already had a full wetsuit and scuba gear ready to go.

She never knew what else I had locked and loaded.

Two sleek pistols and several clips. Berettas, heavy and cool in my palms.

I check the clips, check the firing mechanisms, make sure they’re good and ready. I always keep my guns maintained, but the last thing I’m risking right now is a weapon failing to discharge in a firefight.

It takes me less than thirty seconds.

Thanks, SEAL training.

It may be the only time I’ve ever been grateful that underneath the skin of an easygoing dad, I’m a machine trained for war. I just hoped I’d never have to use these skills again after the last time I bailed out my boss during his dustup in the ghost town.

Whatever it takes.

Whatever I have to do if it means keeping Fliss safe, bringing her home, tasting her lips, and drinking them for life.

The hard part’s staying calm enough to do my damage with no slipups in the state I’m in.

I strap the Berettas in their holsters under my arms, tighten the buckle, then nudge the back of the Jeep shut and glide into the alley on silent feet.

Hold on, Fliss.

Hold the fuck on.

Don’t do anything reckless.

I’m coming.

I’m coming, baby, and you’re gonna be okay.

You’re gonna be safe, you’re gonna be mine, and you’re never gonna face a bad day alone ever again.


Purer Than Gold (Felicity)

Hooray for miracles.

It’s definitely a miracle of Biblical proportions that I don’t drop dead of a heart attack when I hear the nearing rumble of engines.

Part of me hopes it’s a late-night customer.

Paisley wouldn’t dare murder me in front of an innocent bystander, would she?