The easy way she says it makes me feel… She just flat-out makes me feel. A lot. I gently set my hands on her hips. “I’m tested regularly.”

She nods as if she expects no less, taking me at my word. The sheer trust she’s putting in me is a little staggering. Persephone covers my hands with her own. “I haven’t been with anyone since my ex-girlfriend, and I was tested after that. I’m also on birth control—an IUD.”

“You don’t have to do this,” I repeat. I want to be inside her without a barrier more than I want almost anything right now, but I also don’t want her to agree to something she’s not one hundred percent ready for. I really should know Persephone better by now.

“Hades.” She doesn’t move. “Do you not want to? Because it’s okay if you don’t. I know there’s some trust involved with the entire birth-control subject, and if you’re not comfortable with it, that’s okay, too. I promise it is.”

For a moment, I just stare at her in shock. When was the last time someone took my comfort level into account? I don’t know. I really have no fucking idea. When I was with partners in the past, I was the dominant one, the responsible party who designed the scenes and ran them. I like that role, like having others submit to me, but I didn’t realize how tired I am until Persephone offers me the tiniest of considerations.

She’s frowning again. “Oh gods, I crossed a line, didn’t I? I’m sorry. Forget I said anything.”

I tighten my grip on her hips before she can move. “Hold on. Give me a second.”

“Take as long as you need.” She says it so meekly, I almost laugh.

I finally get ahold of myself. “I think we’re on the same page.” I speak slowly, feeling my way. “If you change your mind at any point, we’ll go back to condoms.”

“If you change your mind, too.” She gives me a happy smile and grips my wrists, slowly bringing my hands up to palm her breasts. “Never a better time to start than now.”

“Can’t argue that.”

She arches her brows. “Really? You’re not going to argue even a little bit? How disappointing.”

I snag the back of her neck and tow her down to meet my mouth. As much as I enjoy sniping back and forth with her, I’m not in the mood right now. The amount of trust she’s placing in me staggers me on a level I’m not prepared to deal with. This isn’t anything as deceptively simple as telling each other truths. She’s taking my word that she’s safe with me in this moment.

Persephone melts against my chest, eagerly meeting my kiss. I slide my hands around to grip her ass and shift her up enough that my cock notches at her entrance. I hold perfectly still, giving her plenty of time to change her mind. I really should know better by now. She’s set herself on this path and is ready to eagerly race forward just like she seems to do with everything else.

She circles her hips slowly, working the head of my cock inside her. Persephone shifts to whisper in my ear. “This feels so wicked, doesn’t it? You’re so hard, it makes me crazy.” She gives her hips another swivel. “Talk to me, Hades. Tell me how good I feel. I love it when you spill sexy filth into my ears while you’re inside me.”

I love it, too. I let my hands coast down her ass to stroke the point where the curve meets the back of her upper thighs. “You’re so tight and wet, little siren. I think you like being wicked.”

“Yes.” She sinks another slow inch onto me.

“Don’t play coy. You wanted my cock. Now take it.”

She moans and slams all the way down, sheathing me to the hilt. I tangle my fingers in her hair and draw her close for another kiss. It’s messy and fucking perfect. It gets even better when she starts moving, rolling her hips even as she fights not to break the kiss. I can already tell it won’t be enough.

I release her and nudge her back to press my hand to the center of her chest, urging her to sit up. “Ride me.”

She obeys, arching her back and riding me in slow, decadent strokes. I watch my cock disappear into her pussy and have to fight not to come from the sight alone. The feel of her without a barrier between us, the sheer amount of trust she’s placing in me, it’s all too heady. I can’t think. I feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience because the only thing I can do is hang on to her as she fucks me slowly and thoroughly.

She’s a golden goddess and I’m just a mortal who will never deserve her.