“Shut up,” I whisper back to him out the corner of my mouth, still staring at my childhood sweetheart, who is looking at me with that same caring nature of his, one of the main reasons I always found myself coming back to him over the years.

I am a horrible person.

“Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and talk to make sure you’re okay, but now I see you’re more than okay. Everything is going to be great, and I don’t have to worry about you anymore!” Ryan continues with that exuberant smile on his face, making me realize the last week has officially broken him.

“Why would you worry about me after everything that’s happened?”

Ryan laughs and blows out a huge breath of air. I suddenly realize he was nervous as hell when he walked in here, and I really have no idea why, since I ruined his life.

“We should probably be having this discussion in private, but you’ll just tell everyone in here as soon as I walk out the door anyway.” He smiles at me.

“That’s valid.” I shrug, making me wish for the thousandth time that things could be easier and I could just love this man the way he deserves.

“But I’m glad everyone is here. I honestly couldn’t have timed this any better. You have no idea how big of an asshole I’ve felt for thinking I was leading you on all this time and for those stupid, awkward dinners. Ryan Hutton, big fan by the way.” Ryan pauses as he leans to the side to give a smile and a chin nod to the man behind me, making me wonder if now is when I’m officially in the Twilight Zone.

“Thanks?” Quinn sounds just as utterly confused as to what the fuck is going on as I am, as Ryan continues.

“What I’m trying to say is, I met someone.”

Just like in the movies, there’s a gasp amongst the crowd. Wren then takes over my cheerleading duties and starts chanting, “Go Ryan!” and I’m pretty sure my soul leaves my body when he resumes.

“It’s still kind of new, and I don’t want to jinx anything, but I just felt so bad for you when you came home from California. You were so sad and all alone, so I didn’t want to say anything when I was so happy and make you sadder. You know, about you being alone and—”

“Yep! Got it!” I stop him before he says the fucking word alone one more time.

Quinn lets out a little snort from behind me, reminding me that I should never, ever think my life can’t get any worse, because it sure as shit can.

Well, don’t I feel stupid. Here I thought this man had been pining for me all this time and that I was going to crush him. When the man I’ve actually been pining for is standing right behind me, and I want to punch him in the face for thinking I was some psycho bitch.

Awesome… just an awesome turn of events.

“Anyway, I think it’s safe to say we were both fools who should have been honest with each other a long time ago. But now that you’re not alone, I can stop feeling like an asshole. You were just so sad because you were missing him. It’s just great! I really am happy that you guys are together and you’re not alone anymore!” Ryan gushes, making me wish a hole would open up in the floor and swallow me down into the pits of hell.

“I’m still alone,” I tell Ryan with a sigh.

“No, you’re not.” He chuckles, shaking his head at me like I’m so adorable.

“Yes, I am. I’m not dating Quinn Bagley.”

“But… he’s standing right behind you.”

“No, he’s not,” I reply dumbly, crossing my arms in front of me like a petulant child.

“Yes, I am,” Quinn pipes up, the smile in his voice obvious even though I can’t see him, the jerk. He’s definitely having entirely too much fun at my expense.

“We aren’t dating,” I try again.

“Ohhh, I get it. Is this like a secret thing, where we have to pretend like it’s a bunch of rumors until you guys are officially ready to announce it?” Ryan asks.

“It’s not pretend. It is a bunch of rumors.”

“Got it.” Ryan winks dramatically. “Don’t worry; I won’t say anything.”

“Well, this just got interesting,” Quinn says, a damn smirk on his face when he steps up next to me and holds his hand out to Ryan. “Quinn Bagley, nice to formally meet you, man. I’m sorry about all the stuff they’ve been saying about you in the media. I’m just happy to know I’m not really a homewrecker who stole someone’s woman.”

The two men share a laugh, and I just look back and forth between them with my mouth dropped open so wide it might actually fall off and clatter to the floor. I finally throw my hands up in the air, realizing I have completely lost control of this insane situation.