His mouth bruises my lips with the force of his kiss as his body does the same between my thighs, smacking me against the wall over and over with the force of his need for me. He’s like a wild animal, thrusting and bucking between my legs like he can’t get deep enough, can’t fuck me hard enough, and still, I want more.

I cling to him, and I dig my nails into his back, and I grip his hair in my fingers so tightly I probably pull some out, and I hear myself chanting for him to do it harder, faster, deeper. With each needy, rough, erratic drive of his body between my legs, knowing he can’t hold back, knowing he’s not afraid to use my body and take what he needs, it makes another orgasm quickly work its way up through me.

My arms are wrapped so tightly around Quinn’s shoulders to hold him as close to me as possible that I’m starting to lose circulation, and I don’t even care. My goddamn arms can just fall off at this point if they want. Nothing else matters but the pounding rhythm Quinn is delivering between my legs as he takes me against this wall, showing no mercy as I cling to him and meet him thrust for thrust with the jerky movements of my hips, the tingling burn of release growing stronger and stronger.

He suddenly wrenches his mouth away from mine, and we both take in gulping breaths of air as he buries his face in the side of my neck, cursing and muttering against my skin as he continues his relentless and mind-blowing assault on my body.

“Feel how good your pussy takes my cock,” Quinn groans into my ear, punctuating his words by spreading me impossibly wider with his arms, his cock sliding in and out of me in fast, shallow thrusts. All I can do is whimper and moan, the sound of his tortured, raspy voice making everything dirtier… and hotter. “Jesus Christ, you feel so good. I can’t…. I’m gonna come. I need you with me, baby.”

The sound of his begging, and him calling me baby, with his face buried against the side of my neck and his cock pounding in and out of me is all it takes for another release to detonate inside me, and I come with a shout of his name.

As soon as my body tightens around his hard length and I’m milking his cock with another release, Quinn follows right behind me. Grabbing the back of his head, I crash his mouth against mine, swallowing his shouting roar of release as he comes, his hips never stopping their pounding rhythm as he empties himself inside me.

Our kiss is long, and deep, and it’s never ending as Quinn shudders and jerks between my thighs, still moaning into my mouth as he comes. With one last jerking thrust, he finally yanks his mouth away from mine, burying his face into my shoulder as he collapses against me, plastering me against the wall as we both try to catch our breaths.

Reality smacks me in the face as soon as I slowly peel my eyes open a few minutes later, looking around the Sharks locker room and remembering we’re in a very public place, with a lot of very important people in Quinn’s life just down the hall, probably wondering where the hell he’s been.

“Quinn! Are you in here?”

Okay, so, not down the hall. How about right around the corner in the locker room kitchen, folks?

There’s nothing like the sound of Jeanie Bidwell’s voice to pour a bucket of ice water on your post-coital bliss. The fact that we’re both athletes is quite possibly the only reason we’re able to recover as quickly as we do and move as fast as we can. Quinn is pulling out of me and I’m pushing away from him so fast we’re nothing but a blur of tangled limbs and whispered arguing as we race around in circles, bumping into each other while we try to find my damn underwear. I wonder when my shoes fell off and tumbled so far apart on the carpet, and I curse myself for wearing such a tight dress, because there’s no way I’ll be able to get it untangled from the ball it’s in and shimmy it back on my body in time.


Jeanie’s voice is even closer than before, and I let out a squeak of fear as my horrified eyes meet Quinn’s, while he rapidly buttons his shirt and tucks it back into his pants. Quickly scooping up my shoes, giving up on my underwear, and hugging my dress to the front of me, I bolt away from Quinn, racing as fast as I can around the first row of lockers until I’m hidden from sight, bent over, and panting when I hear Jeanie greet Quinn.