Giving Jeanie a nod, I turn my attention back to Emily as she starts backing away from me to the car waiting outside for her, which I called when she was in the restroom. Along with one other call I made….

“Thank you again for helping me out today. I hope you don’t mind, but I decided to host a couple of OTAs on the island. It’s just such a magical place that offers a bunch of privacy, and I couldn’t pass it up.”

The crowd goes wild as Quinn Bagley heads into double-overtime, determined to take home the win!

“Why would I mind?” Emily shrugs casually, but I can see a tenseness come over her body again, and she’s breathing a little faster. “The hotel is all the way on the other side of the island. I’m sure we won’t even run into each other or have a chance to annoy each other.”

“Oh, that’s right! I forgot to tell you, since I made the call while you were in the bathroom,” I say, shoving my hands in the front pockets of my tailored suit pants, enjoying how she’s fidgeting from one foot to the other now and not looking so calm and cool. “I spoke to a nice woman named Stephanie and rented one of your cottages. They are just adorable, going by the pictures online. But I’m sure you can give me a tour when I check in. Okay then, good talk, and I’ll see you again really soon.”

Leaving Emily to curse me under her breath, I turn and head back across the restaurant to speak to Jeanie, hoping I made the right call. Literally.

There’s no way in hell I was going to say goodbye to that woman once this date ended, and that was before she shocked the shit out of me with that kiss.

She’s lost her goddamn mind if she thinks I’m going to be able to stay away from her now. I don’t care if she only did it to complete that stupid dare. She needs to see there was nothing fake about how perfectly we fit together today. And how perfectly I know we could fit together in every way, if she’d just give me a real chance instead of a fake one.

“Game on, lover,” I mutter to myself as I make my way to Jeanie. “Eeew, God no, she’s right. That’s gross and should never be said out loud.”



“We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.”

Quinn: Just checking to make sure you made it back to the island safely. Thank you again for your amazing performance today. My boss officially likes you more than she likes me.

Emily: I am safe and sound, bored out of my mind, waiting to close up at work. I should be the one thanking you. Getting dressed up and going somewhere off the island was a nice treat. I miss going to fancy events and putting on pretty clothes.

Quinn: I wasn’t lying when I told Jeanie you’re stunning no matter what you wear.

Emily: That’s very sweet, thank you.

Quinn: Look at you, finally taking a compliment like a good girl, without any argument!

Emily: Don’t ruin my good mood.

Quinn: See? If you would have completed that kiss dare the night you met me, you could have been in a good mood all this time. My lips obviously hold a special power.

Emily: Yes, the special power of not being able to stay closed and shut up.

Quinn: Okay, make that TWO special powers.

Emily: I’m going back to work now. Have good night.

Quinn: Sweet dreams when you get home, Emily. I’m sure they will be. #dreamingaboutmylips

Emily: #nightmaresfordays

Quinn: Well, that was just uncalled for.

Quinn: Is my check-in time still 4:00 next weekend, and are pets allowed?

Emily: You can’t still be serious about that.

Quinn: I’m always serious about the tolerance of pets.

Emily: Stop it!

Quinn: Oooh, are we doing a cheer? I don’t usually stop things in a game. I make them go. Go, Quinn, go!

Emily: Be. Serious.

Quinn: Okay, is check-in time SERIOUSLY at 4:00? You can’t tell, but I used a serious font with that serious question.

Emily: No, the time changed.

Quinn: Care to tell me what time it changed to?

Emily: Half past never.

Quinn: Is that eastern standard time, or pacific?

Emily: Look, I think it’s great that you like Summersweet. But after having some time to think about this, it’s really not a good idea for you to stay here, and especially not at the cottages. We are “broken up” now. You being on this island is just going to keep people talking and not clear any of this up.

Quinn: Oh, but we didn’t break up yet.

Emily: Yes, we did.

Quinn: I think I’d know if I went through a break-up. I have a very strict break-up regimen that I follow. I’d be listening to “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” by T-Swift on repeat while eating my feelings, and I’d be telling everyone I’m fine while crying in a bubble bath. None of these things have happened; therefore, we didn’t break up.