It’s either a tied game, or I’m about ready to get ejected for too many personal fouls.

“Well, I’m definitely glad I got a chance to get to know you better and get things cleared up,” Jeanie finally breaks the silence a few minutes later by addressing Emily, pushing her chair back from the table. “I can already see you’ve been a good influence on Quinn. He looks happier and more settled in Virginia, and I expect nothing but great things from him this season with you by his side. If there’s anything you need from me, please don’t hesitate to call. Quinn, I’m sure we’ll talk soon.”

Getting up from the table, Jeanie reminds us we are more than welcome to exit through the back of the restaurant the way we came in, since one of the waiters just informed her there might be paparazzi waiting out front. While Jeanie argues with her brother in the doorway about whether or not she’s paying the bill, I make a few phone calls, while Emily excuses herself to use the restroom before she goes back to Summersweet and I go back to my hotel.

A few minutes later, she’s joined me again at the table, and with my hand resting against the small of her back, I lead her toward the rear entrance, pausing by the coat check room so she can grab the light sweater she brought with her, and her purse.

“Thank you for today. You’re pretty amazing, you know that?” I tell Emily as she drapes her sweater over her arm.

My breath catches in my throat when she turns back to face me and steps closer until we’re standing toe-to-toe, the height of her heels bringing her face up closer to mine and only a few inches away.

“I know.” She smiles at me, making my heart beat faster in my chest like I just got done running five miles. “I’m pretty sure I won this game. I think she likes me.”

“The scores have not been tallied yet. I’m pretty sure it’s a tie.”

“And I’m pretty sure I’m gonna clinch it in overtime.” Emily smirks at me.

“You’re awfully cocky for someone who—”

Tunnel vision and a complete short circuit of every brain cell I own ends my complaining when Emily cuts me off by quickly stepping forward, pressing her palm to my chest, and pressing her lips to mine.

For just one second, I’m completely frozen in shock, my brain and my body unable to comprehend what in the fuck is actually happening right now. And then I wake the hell up and feel the soft heat of her perfect lips molded against mine, and I grab onto her hips. A rush of fire explodes through my veins, and I want nothing more than to pull her body against mine, slide my tongue past her lips, and devour the hell her. Neither one of us moves, and this kiss is just a gentle press of our lips together, but I feel this damn thing all the way from my head to my feet, and I hope to God Emily can’t feel the thundering of my heart against the palm of her hand that’s still resting against my chest.

She suddenly pulls her mouth away from mine long before I’m ready, the easy, breezy smile on her face in complete opposition to the chaos going on inside me right now, wondering if she felt the goddamn earth move or if it was just me.

“See? Told you I’d clinch it in overtime,” Emily whispers before she takes a step back, my hands dropping from the grip they had on her hips, taking all that fire and heat with her until it feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice over my head. “Jeanie was looking over here. It would be pretty awkward if I didn’t kiss my boyfriend goodbye.”

Right, right… the fake date and making it look good. Well, doesn’t this just suck?

“I do believe that means I am the ultimate world champion, and if I’m not mistaken, I now have a perfect dare track record.” Emily grins at me happily. Even if it feels like she just punched me in the stomach, I can’t help but return her infectious smile when she shakes her hips and does a little cheer. “Victory… is so sweet, and Emily… can’t be beat!”

Dropping her arms when she finishes, she holds one hand out to me, and I grab onto it, letting her give me a firm shake.

“It was nice doing business with you, QB.”

It’s really cute she thinks that just because our date is over, I’m not going to want anything to do with her. The game’s not over yet, sweetheart.

“Quinn!” Jeanie shouts from the other side of the restaurant as Emily drops my hand. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but can I borrow you for a minute? I need something cleared up about summer camp.”