Emily: And we’re not going to start now, when the Sharks’s GM is across the table, your new agent is on the other side of you, and an ESPN reporter is on the other side of ME.

Quinn: I dare you.

Emily: Fun fact: I’m not wearing anything under this dress. Which is causing a problem, because I’ve been wet ever since you walked out of the bedroom of the hotel in that tux. I’m throbbing for you, Quinn. No one will know if I just slip my hand under my skirt under this table and fuck myself with my fingers. Can you feel how tight and wet I am for you, baby? I think it’s time to lose the condoms. I need to feel every inch of you inside me, hot and hard, stretching me with that big cock, driving into my pussy, and filling me with your cum.

Quinn: Jesus Christ.

Quinn: Holy shit.

Quinn: I have made a grave mistake, and now everyone is looking at me.

Emily: The loud moan right when the room got quiet probably wasn’t your best moment. Honestly, man, when will you learn? Don’t mess with the dare queen.

Five weeks later

Emily: What time will you be finished with work tonight?

Quinn: I should be out of here around 5. What about you?

Emily: For once, same! Want to meet at that Italian place a few blocks from the stadium, or do you want to just eat here on the island when you get back?

Quinn: I could go for some tots at the diner. I’ll just pick you up at your cottage around 5:30. NO ARGUMENTS, EMILY!

Emily: The only argument I was going to make is… keep your hands off my goddamn tots this time. Order your own. See you when you get here. Don’t work too hard.

Emily: OMG, have you looked at social media yet, or are you still watching films?

Quinn: Just got done and heading to the locker room. Which means I’m now going to have an instant boner when I walk in there, just like every damn time. Fucking you against that wall was the best idea and the worst idea at the same time.

Emily: I need you to focus here. Tell me you saw the article about Ellen Westwood and Tyler?

Quinn: Negative. Send me the link.

Emily: I’ll just copy and paste the best part of it.

Quinn: Okay, Grandma.

Emily: Oh, shut it.

Emily: “Tyler Deal, from the world-renowned Deal Agency, was recently spotted in Beverly Hills, folding shirts at a men’s boutique clothing store on Rodeo Drive. Looks like a new line of work for Deal, after his father—founder and owner of the Deal Agency—fired his son from the firm and cut him off financially, following all the drama that surrounded the agency after losing Quinn Bagley, as well as half of their client list. In related news, Ellen Westwood—the former director of the Vipers Cheerleading Organization who played her own part in the Deal/Bagley scandal—seems to be suffering from a similar fate as Deal. Westwood’s father, and owner of the Vipers, has also cut her off, and she’s been in hiding ever since. I’m sure we’ll see her flipping burgers at McDonald’s in no time!”

Quinn: Wow. WOW! When we go to California next month to get the last of my stuff out of the house before the new owners move in, we’re making a stop on Rodeo. I’m feeling the need for some new shirts, perfectly folded. Get naked. I’m coming home to celebrate.



“You could say it was a… first and tension.”

“Oh God, yes, Quinn! Don’t stop!”

I try to be quiet; I really do, but it’s impossible with Quinn’s mouth between my legs, humming in satisfaction when I shout his name, with his lips wrapped around my clit. The vibration of his voice and how perfectly he uses his tongue and fingers push me right into a screaming orgasm, just like Quinn dared me to let him do as soon as we walked into the locker room. It’s like there’s some sort of magical orgasm force field in here that just makes it impossible to say no.

With a long sigh as the last wave of my release washes through me, I finally let go of my tight grip on Quinn’s hair, and my leg slips off his shoulder when he stands back up in front of me, a big grin on his face. Quickly shimmying my body to pull the tight skirt of my dress back down my thighs, I grab the back of Quinn’s head, yanking him to my mouth to kiss the hell out of him, loving how tightly he immediately wraps his arms around me.

I want to do nothing but get lost in his kiss, and forget about everything around us, just like every time his lips are on mine. But we’ve got people waiting for us, and they’re going to start wondering where we are. It’s an absolute miracle this room was even empty when we walked in here, especially right now.