“I dare you.”



“Van Der Beek better not pull any shit this time.”

One week later

“Last night’s press conference with Quinn Bagley, the first one he’s given since rumors of his relationship with Emily Flanagan started swirling seven months ago, combined with online forums blowing up in recent weeks about their relationship all being pretend, definitely got fans back on his side and finally put the rumors to rest that anything with the former professional cheerleader is fake.

With Flanagan right by his side and his hand wrapped tightly around hers, Bagley apologized to fans for any deceit saying, ‘I’m kind of annoying. I had to do whatever I could to get this woman to spend time with me. She’s a little stubborn, but it didn’t take too long before she fell madly in love with me.’ This response from Bagley was met with a roar of laughter from the crowd and a good-natured smack on the arm from Flanagan.

Spending the final few minutes discussing the upcoming season with the Sharks and how much work the entire team will be putting in this summer, the press conference has Virginia fans chomping at the bit for the first preseason game in August. The star quarterback finished up by proceeding to make everyone hoot and holler when he pulled his cheerleader into his arms and laid a kiss on her that made even this seasoned reporter blush.

We see nothing but great things ahead for the Virginia Beach Sharks, with Bagley leading the way.”

Two weeks later

Quinn: Which one do you like better for tonight? The blue or the yellow? *photo attachment*

Emily: Please tell me this is a joke.

Quinn: One does not joke about a cat backpack for Crouton that has a little bubble window for him to see all the adventures we’ll go on together.

Emily: You are not taking Crouton with us to the Jimmy Buffett concert at Dockside Eddy’s

Quinn: I already told him about the concert, and we’ve been practicing “Margaritaville.” His pitch is a little off, but we’ll get it together by tonight.

Emily: I’m going to pretend like I don’t know you.

Quinn: Well, now I’m definitely wearing my Quemily shirt. Good luck with that.

Three weeks later

Quinn: Count to fifty after I leave and then meet me in my old bedroom.

Emily: We are not sneaking away again at your parents’ house for a blowjob in the bedroom. That was a one-time thing. I still see James Van Der Beek’s haunting eyes following me wherever I go.

Emily: And don’t you even think about daring me! Your mom is not going to be on the phone with your aunt THAT long.

Quinn: It’s cute you still think I’ll be able to last more than a minute when your mouth is on my dick.

Emily: Your dad is also going to be right back. He just went to fix that leaky faucet in the laundry room.

Quinn: It’s also cute you think my dad isn’t going to take an hour to find the right tool he needs, another hour to yell and curse because “Nothing in this goddamn house was built right,” followed by another hour calling around for a plumber.

Emily: No. And you can stop giving me those puppy dog eyes from over there on the loveseat.

Quinn: How about, instead of a blowjob, I lift up your skirt, push that purple lace thong to the side I watched you put on earlier, and use my mouth and tongue on you just the way you like?

Emily: Count to twenty, and meet me in your old bedroom. Van Der Beek better not pull any shit this time.

Palmer: Hey! Any chance you guys still have those extra keys to the 8th hole maintenance shed?

Quinn: Oh yeah, sorry! I forgot to give them back. Did you lose yours or something?

Palmer: Sure. We’ll go with that.

Birdie: We’re stuck in the goddamn shed! The little button you turn to lock the door on the handle inside broke off. Hurry up!

Emily: Have fun with that, Quinn! I’m at work, and it’s your day off. Plug your nose. It’s gonna smell like golf cum in there.

Birdie: Oh, fuck right off!

Palmer: LOL it totally does! Wait, what does golf cum smell like?

Quinn: Don’t ask. I’ll be there in five minutes. Crouton wanted to go for a ride in his backpack anyway.

Four weeks later

Quinn: Have I told you how fucking stunning you look tonight?

Emily: Several times. But I’m always up for more compliments.

Quinn: I love it when you’re agreeable. I dare you to take your panties off.

Emily: Don’t say “panties” ever again. It’s skeevy. Also, you’re sitting right next to me at this Football Hall of Fame dinner. You know you could just lean over and say these things to me instead of texting them, right?

Quinn: Where’s the fun in that? These speeches are boring, and we’ve never had phone sex.