Lucien shrugged like it was no big deal. “Sounds important.”

Magnus chuckled. “Oh, it is.”

Wait, what? Caia glanced sharply at her uncle. What did he know?

Her expression must have mirrored Lucien’s because Magnus laughed harder. “I’ll let Ryder impart the news. But here’s a clue … Dimitri isn’t happy.”

“Magnus.” Ella swatted him. “You’ll give it away.”

“Give what away?”

They remained silent and Lucien huffed, “Need I remind you I’m your Alpha. I have a right to know what’s going on in my own pack.”

“Well, you’re about to find out.” Magnus shot a look at Caia. “Now that he’s your responsibility, maybe you can pull that stick out of his ass.”

They wondered aloud as to what Magnus and Ella could’ve been talking about, but their worries were so focused on Vilhelm and Laila, they were already at Ryder’s with still no clue. Ryder threw open the door with a huge, relieved grin and clapped Lucien hard on the shoulder before dragging Caia into a tight hug. She suppressed a laugh at the feel of Lucien’s hand on her waist, drawing her forcefully out of his friend’s grip and tight to his side, possessively cupping her hip.

At first Ryder stumbled back, a little confused, and then his expression cleared, and he whooped, “All right, about time!” and held out a hand to Lucien. Caia looked on as they did their manly handshake and hugged quickly, a hug that was mostly battering of hands on each other’s back.

“Congrats, guys, really. Very relieved.” He grinned and then gestured for them to come in. “Actually.” He followed them down the hallway to his living room. “I have some news of my own.”

Caia’s view was blocked by Lucien as he entered first, and she was surprised at the soft sound he made as his pace picked up, striding deeper into the room. Her eyes widened as she glimpsed Jaeden before she was swallowed in Lucien’s tight hug. Her pulse leapt. It had been a long while, and she and the real Jaeden hadn’t really spoken since her rescue. Caia glanced anxiously at Ryder who gave her a reassuring smile. His focus returned to Jaeden and a feeling rippled out of him. Caia caught it on the air.

“Ryder,” she said, disbelieving at the intensity of it. “Jaeden?”

His eyes widened as he realized she comprehended the truth. “How did you know?”

“Know what?” Lucien asked.

Caia locked eyes with Jae, feeling awkward and useless. There was a time when she had thought of this girl as the greatest friend she’d ever had. It was difficult to remember now if there had been any truth in that, and what she felt toward her likened to grief.

Jaeden appeared to not know what to say either, her body rigid at first. And then she visibly relaxed, surprising Caia by hugging her, if a little awkwardly. “Cy, good to see you.”

Caia smiled. “You too. You look great.”

“Know what?” Lucien growled.

Jaeden giggled, a sound Caia never thought to hear from her again, and then danced into Ryder’s arms, kissing him affectionately. “Ryder and I want to be mates.”

Lucien’s emotions veered from gobsmacked, to confusion, and then delight when he realized his friend was serious. He’d never seen Ryder look at anyone the way he looked at Jae, obliterating his predictions that Ryder would be a perpetual bachelor. Sitting on Ryder’s sofa, he and Caia watched and listened as Ryder and Jaeden told the story of their return to the pack. Lucien grinned at Caia as the two of them bickered like an old mated couple. They didn’t even have to ask if he would give them permission to have a ceremony, and anyway, Ryder probably would’ve killed him if he didn’t.

Lucien was not surprised, however, to hear that Dimitri was having a difficult time with the idea, considering Jaeden had only just returned to him. As his attention fell on his own mate, he was glad there was no waiting involved to be with her truly, as there was for his friend. It still amazed him how easily Caia had come to him when he told her he loved her, and ever since, he had to stop from kicking himself that he hadn’t said it sooner.

Knowing what the Hades was going on in a female’s mind had never been his strong suit.

As Caia laughed at something Ryder said. It had been a long time since he’d seen her look this happy.

At that, a darkness, like a silent snowfall shrouding his world of color and warmth, settled over him, sending chills across his skin.

She’d better enjoy it, he thought somewhat bitterly. This battle she wanted to wage against Marita to win the war was going to siphon that happiness out of her. He was terrified for her. That the majority of Midnights could be misunderstood was inconceivable, but Caia saw it, felt it, and he believed in his mate.