Moving away from them, she swung the flashlight beam toward the end of the room where a row of cages sat, some empty, some housing more dead lykans.

Memories of another basement and other cages threatened to overwhelm her.

“I have to find the liquid,” Caia reminded herself and made to move toward the end of the basement behind the stairs. Sure enough, a glass cabinet against the wall held rows upon rows of vials of liquid gold.

Now all she needed to do was destroy it.

Silently, making her way out of the basement, Caia pulled another gift from Marion out of her backpack. To her it appeared to be a large crystal with a gold stopper plugged into the top. She wasn’t quite sure of its mechanics, but apparently it was an expensive member of the Daylight arsenal.

“Just pull the stopper out and drop the crystal into the basement. The device will go off within five seconds of landing. You’ll hear a soft pop.”

“What does it do?”

“Don’t worry, it can’t hurt living things. It merely cleans up the mess around us.”

Caia did as Marion had instructed, closing the door after it.

“Wait, I wanted to see!” Phoebe hissed as she marched into the storeroom in human form.

As Caia stared into the lykan’s angry face, a sound like an ear popping at high altitude could be heard from the other side.

“Sorry, it’s too late.”

“What was down there?”

She could tell her the truth, about the atrocities those two Midnights had committed with the help of humans; she could describe that reprehensible scene and wave goodbye to a potential ally. If Phoebe had seen it with her own eyes, there would’ve been no way to convince her that not all Midnights were bad. Describing it would just be another nail in the coffin of Caia’s plan.

“But this is a war, Caia, and we have to sacrifice a part of our souls to win it.”

“It was just a lab. Chemicals, test tubes … that sort of thing.”

I am so going to Hades.

“What about that goddess-awful smell?”

“Sewage,” she lied, “guessing from the daemon.”

“Ugh, charming.”

Confident that she had convinced the hunter, Caia pulled at the trapdoor. Together she and Phoebe leaned in as she opened it, their flashlights illuminating the darkness. There was nothing there.

“What …?”

Eyes wide, she trembled down the stairs and swung her light around.

“What do you see?” Phoebe called to her.


It was like none of it had ever happened. Just an empty basement, clean of any activities. Four walls, a ceiling, and a floor.

“It’s all gone. No mess,” Caia told Phoebe as she climbed the stairs. “I have no idea what that thing was Marion gave me.” She glanced at her watch. “Come on. We better go. Marion is opening the portal in ten minutes.”

They made their way back out of the club, Caia replacing the boards and the padlock while Phoebe stood guard. Just as silently as they arrived, they returned to the spot they emerged from at Notre-Dame. Caia sidled toward the entrance of the cathedral, staring up at its two towers, wishing she could step inside and disappear behind its arched doorway, to curl up in what promised to be a mystical haven. Could she hide in there, in the arms of another god?

Phoebe tapped her shoulder, and she half turned to see the portal open on the dark street.

No. The war would still be out there, taking innocent lives and perpetuating into eternity. There was no hiding for her. She had a job to do.

A few humans strolled by, and up the way a café was still open with people outside at the little tables drinking coffee and eating dessert.

“I’m going to cloak us so they can’t see us disappear,” Caia warned Phoebe and shielded them both as Mordecai had taught her in glamour class. And just like that, they stepped back into the Center, leaving behind a loathsome sight that only Caia would ever carry in her memories.


Sweet Midnight

“Argh, I knew this was coming,” Dimitri groaned.

Ryder raised an eyebrow expectantly. “Is that a yes?” He glanced between Dimitri and Julia, knowing his hope was out in plain view, so easy to shatter with one little word.

The thought of not having Jaeden in his life was excruciating now. Despite their attempts to not see each other over the last few days, they seemed to be inextricably connected. She’d explained there had been no more nightmares since the night he suggested they might be mates. She’d demonstrated how much control she was gaining on her telekinesis, arriving at his apartment exuberant and pleased with her progress at Lucien’s.

Since Vil and Laila’s arrival, he hadn’t been able to leave the apartment, so Jae had come over at the end of each day, bringing food for everyone and catching him up on her activities. They’d only grown closer, but he hadn’t been able to relieve her of her fears over Laila. The food she brought for Vil and his girlfriend was handed over quickly before she departed for his bedroom, the room farthest away from the room he’d given to his guests.