“Was he with Rose before that?”

The witch’s silence confirmed it.

After a shower and something to eat, she felt a lot more human again, enough to take a little tour around the Center with Marion. She talked to the students and candidates and answered as many questions as she was allowed to. She even signed some autographs. It was totally weird and not something she was prepared for, but at the moment, she couldn’t care less because it went a long way in helping her with her plan.

While she listened to Desi and Ophelia chatter away about how jealous everyone was that they were friends with her, Marion tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned in the doorway of the classroom to see Phoebe MacLachlan waiting with a lykan Caia didn’t recognize. He was a tall, well-built Elder whose soft eyes reminded her of Magnus. A pang of homesickness echoed in her chest.

Extricating herself from the young Travelers, Caia made her way cautiously over to the Rogue Hunter and her companion. Phoebe was a little intimidating, to say the least.

As soon as she reached them, Phoebe thrust her hand out to Caia, her face serious, yet her eyes were filled with what could almost pass for warmth. Gingerly, Caia shook the other female’s hand, refusing to wince when Phoebe gripped too hard.

“Caia Ribeiro, I would like to introduce you to my father and pack Alpha, Alistair MacLachlan.”

She’d expected the same death-grip handshake, but instead she found herself crushed in his mammoth embrace. Caia returned his hug and swallowed her sigh of relief when he let her go.

“My daughter tells me you are the one who discovered the attack on my pack. That you’re also the one who destroyed the Midnights responsible.”

Feeling heat bloom under her cheeks, Caia shrugged helplessly. “I had a lot of help from Phoebe and a few others.”

Phoebe shook her head, as serious as ever. “She’s being modest, Father,” she tutted. “I’ve never understood that trait.”

Alistair chuckled. “Yes, we know.”

Caia didn’t know whether to laugh or admonish him. Didn’t he know Phoebe had no sense of humor? Phoebe merely frowned at him and turned to her. “We wanted to thank you, personally.”

“Yes.” The Alpha grinned. He shook his head, disbelieving, as his eyes washed over her. “Such a little thing, and yet from what Phoebe has told me, I would have imagined you to be a giant. As you may have already guessed, Phoebe isn’t really a people person—”


“—and so when she admires someone, we all know they must really be worthy of her respect.”

“That’s true.” The Rogue Hunter nodded militantly.

“We’re very grateful to you, Miss Ribeiro, and if there is anything my pack can do for yours, you must not hesitate to call on us.”

Okay, so perhaps she might have done something truly good despite the remorse she felt over the deaths of those Midnights. She had saved this kind Elder and his valuable daughter, not to mention the rest of their pack.

Caia, wake up. Be strong. And think … they’re not just offering you a thank-you, they’re offering themselves.


Smiling warmly, she shook their hands again. “That’s very gracious of you. Thank you.”

The two lykans left her to recount their encounter to Marion, who grinned proudly at her like a mother hen.

“Compliments from Phoebe MacLachlan. Now that should go on your résumé.”

Marion left her to her fans, a decision Caia teasingly told her she would later regret, a look of dismay falling across her features as the witch disappeared out of the hall. No matter how many times she told herself that networking was good, it still left her feeling as if she were stuck in coach between a snorer and a crying baby on a long flight.

After doing the rounds Caia snuck away from the inquisitive looks and prying questions. She walked toward the elevators to head up to Marita and Vanne’s suite. The Center’s layout still confused her, and she found herself taking a wrong turn and rounding the corner to the altars. She stopped abruptly at the scene before her and darted out of sight, peering around the corner to watch Marita standing unaccompanied outside Gaia’s altar.

The magik sent darting glances in every direction, as if checking to make sure she was alone, before stealthily creeping into the altar.

What the …

Her behavior was so weird. What the Hades was she up to? Caia suddenly she remembered the conversation she’d overheard between Mordecai and Marita. Was this another one of their secrets … or was this the secret? The thudding of her heart grew louder in her ears and her legs trembled as she took a tentative step toward the door.

Maybe Marita was just praying. Maybe I’m being a paranoid idiot.

Maybe you should hurry up and follow her in and find out what the hell she’s up to!