“I could call them to put in a fan or one of those portable units if that would help,” she suggested.

“In a three thousand square foot garage? Need something a little more powerful. Actually, do you know if they’ve even looked at the condenser unit?”

“Is that the box outside by the pool house? No idea. Should I take you back there?”

“Let’s do it,” I said. “Never met a machine I couldn’t fix.”

The girls did that rapid communication with their eyes again, signaling God knows what without any words spoken. I left my bottle on the counter and followed Harley. She was barefoot and wearing a floral print dress that was dangerously short. Her long legs were toned and tan and her hair fell in natural waves down her back. Through the thin material, I could see the outline of her figure, where her body curved in at her hip and flared back out at her ass.

The house was like a museum, vases and paintings and glass sculptures decorated the hallways. Harley walked through the castle without a care in the world. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have wealth at your fingertips like she did.

“Such a bummer it broke. There is that one car garage on the side of the carriage house. The air conditioner in there might work. I could get you the keys if you wanted to move one of the cars?” She kept walking as she spoke to me. I know I didn’t misjudge her friends, but maybe Harley hadn’t turned out so bad. She was genuinely trying to help me and I appreciated her candor.

“Let’s see if I can’t get this one humming first.”

She stopped to unlock a door that looked like it let to the grounds in the back. Turned to the side, I could take in her gorgeous profile. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were hard in her little flowered dress. Full lips, delicate nose, almond shaped eyes with long lashes under thin but dark eyebrows. Those blue eyes undid me as they were filled with something both beautiful and haunting. Harley had grown up to be a bombshell and she didn’t even seem to notice how mouth-watering she was.

“I should have put my shirt on,” I said as she fumbled with the door. My comment made her look at my chest and color rose in her cheeks.

“Too hot out there for clothes,” she said as she pushed open the door.

We stepped into the bright sunlight where two young men were cleaning the pool. The glare off the water made me blink and shield my eyes, Harley kept walking toward what must have been the back of the garage.

“This box right here?” she said. She’d stepped off of the flagstone and into the grass. Behind two trimmed bushes sat the covered condenser. I pushed the foliage away and bent to undo the screws to lift off the cover.

“Should have brought my tools,” I said as I kneeled in the grass.

“I can grab them for you. Are they just out front on the lawn?”

“You sure about that?” I asked her. I scratched my head and squinted up into the sun where she was standing. She was being too nice and that probably meant something was up.

“I can totally bring them. Sorry my friends, sorry—Gianna is such a jerk,” she said. Harley had grabbed the hem of her skirt and was twisting it in her fingers. From where I sat in the grass, I could see just a spot of white where her underwear covered her pussy. My cock surged in my pants at the thought of pulling those cotton panties down her thighs.

I also noticed how the pool guys had dropped what they were doing and were staring at Harley’s ass. The blood now surged from my cock to my head as I imagined clocking the two mother fuckers for looking at her like she was up for grabs.

“What the fuck you lookin’ at?” I threatened them. Maybe I was a hypocrite for just having peeped her panties, but they turned and resumed working and my temper calmed down. I held myself to high standards for respect, but I didn’t know what these assholes were capable of.

“They work for the house or the pool company?” I asked Harley. I had a mind to tell old man Brooks about how the help was gawking at his daughter. And what was he thinking leaving her here to manage this whole circus alone? She was practically still a kid.

“Pool company. They only come once a month or so.”

“Where’s Stephano these days?”

“He’s in Italy with Dad and Livia. They’re scouting locations for Stephano’s headquarters over there.”

“And Carlotta?”

“Wow, Wyatt, you sure ask a lot of questions. Carlotta is on an extended leave of absence. The cancer came back and she’s undergoing chemo.”